Super Mario Bros. Trouble Sleeping version 1.1 by Rohbert ---Patch Instructions--- Use your desired .ips patching program and use the included SMB2_TroubleSleeping.ips file on a Super Mario Bros. 2 (U) (PRG0) [!].nes rom. Play using your preferred emulator or flash cart. (This romhack has Not been fully tested on real hardware) --Summary--- Super Mario Bros. Trouble sleeping is a romhack of Super Mario Bros. 2 USA for NES. Created by Rohbert, it is meant to be a fun and challenging hack for experienced SMB2 players. Many tricks and techniques used in the speedrun of SMB2 will be of extreme value in this romhack. (Ladder jumps, double jumps, 1-3 clip, fast carpet) This hack features 16 original levels with a few custom sprites with custom behaviors. There are 2 warps, that are required and therefore all 16 levels must always be played. All 16 levels contain 2 power up mushrooms and a one-up. Each level features a unique color palette. All levels are complete-able with all characters. --Version 1.1 Info--- Fix a couple vines to prevent softlock wrong warps. Added mushroom and one-ups to levels that did not have any. Added a few new platform to accommodate the new mushrooms. Edited level 7-1's ending to prevent a level load issue. Implemented a ram corruption fix to prevent enemy glitches in 4-3. Several small edits to various levels to smooth out level flow. Wart has evolved into Fire Type. --Version 1.0 Info--- Initial Full Release - May 21, 2022 ---Tips--- * If you ever lose a key, you can re-spawn it in its original spot if you simply walk 2-3 screen away and come back. * If a hawkmouth exit despawns, you can simply walk 2-3 screen away and come back and it will respawn and even open if you already grabbed the orb. * If you see a cherry, get a cherry. Many levels feature a "required-star-section." Avoid trying to double dip cherries by leaving and returning to collect the same cherry twice. You will mess up the optimal star spawn. * All levels have 2 power-up mushrooms. (Highly recommended to collect them) * Power-up mushrooms will always be between two identical palm tress OR on top of 3 decorative pillars. * Level 7-2 is glitchy, no getting around that. The vertical section specifically. If you die in that section, that part of the level glitches out. Try to climb back out of the room and reload it to fix. * In general, Luigi and Princess will have an easier time getting through the levels, with Mario being slightly harder, and Toad having the hardest time due to his low jump height. ---Thank You--- CurtsNewBrand - beta testing MaCobra52 - rom editing support dtothefourth - Incredible SMB2 editor (SMB2Edit)