Title: Final Fantasy III Tweaks Authors: Sertiana, and T92 (FF III Tweaks) Version: v2.5 Released: 29/10/2023 Contents: --------- |1. Introduction. |2. Installation. |3. Features. |4. Changelog. |5. Changes to do. |6. Special Thanks. ================== 1. Introduction. ================== The purpose of this patch it's to provide a better experience of the original NES game without some problems that this version had. The Alex W. Jackson, Neill Corlett, and SoM2Freak translation was used as a base with some changes. Since version 2.0 I started to port the changes of Sertiana's hack. Also, I was unable to do some changes for the v2.1 due to tecnical reasons (This changes were added in v2.3). v2.5 is the final and probably the last version of this hack, I already managed to inclued all the changes that I wanted (except for some that were impossible due to technical limitations). And since there's no longer a legal way to obtain the ROM of this version, I'll prefer to fix/mod the Pixel Remastered instead. Sorry for all the time that it took me to finish this hack, and thanks to all the users who supported me and this hack during all these months. ===================== 2. Installation ===================== 1. Start with an unmodified FF III Japan Famicom ROM "Final Fantasy III (Japan)". 2. Use a IPS patch utility to apply the "Final Fantasy III Tweaks v2.5.ips" patch to the ROM. 3. Apply the optional Patches if you desire. ================ 3. Features. ================ -Text: - Fixed most L/R erros of the translation ("Gurgan" instead of "Gulgan" and "Salonia" instead of "Saronia"). - Some minor text changes regarding of jobs and commands: WhiteWiz. -> WhiteMage BlackWiz. -> BlackMage Red Wiz. -> Red Mage Build Up -> Focus - QoL: - Rearranged commands: (Item and Run are at the end of the command list). * - [Applied Patch] B-Button Dash (A.D.R.I.A.N) Press B button to dash. - [Applied Patch] FF3j - Battle Interface Upgrade (SilentEnigma) Revamps the battle interface of FF3j to provide an experience that is much more like that of FF4. It removes unnecessary commentary, uses cleaner FF4-style windows, and also removes a few minor design quirks that failed to become series standards. - [Applied Patch] Final Fantasy III - Job System Improvement (Binarynova) Removes the Capacity points, allowing you to freely switch jobs and makes the process less annoying. - Changes to jobs and equipment: - The stats of most jobs were boosted (I'll add detailed info in the next release). Viking was turned into a tank (low speed but high strenght and defense). M. Knight was turned into a Knight + Black mage hybrid with low MP. The Earth Crystal jobs were buffed. Sage job's magical stats were decreased to be balanced with the other magic jobs. - Some spells were buffed so now magic it's less useless. * - Terrain effects were buffed. * - Mystic Knights can now use every black magic spell (but no white magic). - Edited the equipment some jobs can use: Mystic Knights can now equip leather helm/armor and protect ring.* White Mages can now equip bows and arrows instead of the black mages. - Some weapons were buffed: Knife: 06 -> 08 Dagger: 08 -> 10 Mithril Knife: 10 -> 14 Main Gauche: 30 -> 35 Orichalcum: 45 -> 50 Air Knife: 60 -> 100 Kaiser Knuckles 36 -> 54 Cat Claws 42 -> 63 Dragon Claws 48 -> 72 Fairy Claws 37 -> 58 Hell Claws 60 -> 95 Diamond Bell: 25 -> 50 Earthen Bell: 30 -> 70 Rune Bell: 40 -> 90 Holy Lance: 100 -> 155 Yoichi arrow: 70 -> 100 Mithril rod: 05 -> 12 Fire rod: 12 -> 25 Light rod: 12 -> 25 Ice rod: 12 -> 25 Ultimate rod: 20 -> 93 Golem staff: 16 -> 30 Rune staff: 20 -> 35 Elder staff: 30 -> 85 (Casts Cure3 instead of Cure when used as item) - Every Harp has now the double of attack power and: Madora Harp now inflicts silence. Lamia Harp now inflicts confusion. Loki Harp now infilcts paralysis. - All arrows are now wind elemental.* Their price was also reduced. - Removed the "Darkness" element of the Ragnarok. - The second set of Books now cas a spell when used as items: Flame Book casts Fire2. Ice Book casts Ice2. Light Book casts Bolt2. Ilumina Book casts Bolt3 and gives a bolt elemental boost. Inferno Book casts Fire3 and gives a fire elemental boost. Blizzard Book casts Ice3 and gives an ice elemental boost. - Added the dummied Hammer and Dream Harp as Viking and Bard's ultimate weapons. - Bug Fixes: - [Applied Patch] FF3 Flee BugFix (Maeson) Fixes a bug that reduced your defense to 0 when attempting to flee. - [Applied Patch] ff3_element_boost (Everything) Fixes a bug that caused elemental boost to do nothing. - Fixed a bug the B-Button dash patch had that caused odd npc movement. - Other changes: - Now Eureka's hidden shop sells Elixirs, Fenix downs, Dream Harp and Hammer instead of the Crsytal equipment (There are already two sets of crystal equipment one dungeon before/after). - Now you'll randomly get a Potion or a FenixDown after defeating some monsters, and even Elixirs from Bosses. Note: Changes with "*" were made by Sertiana and ported by T92. ------------------------ a. Optional patches. ------------------------ - Bug-fixes only.ips Only applies the bug-fixes that this hack included. - Flash Reduction (Battle).ips Tones down battle flash effects. - Flee Bug Un-fix.ips Un-fixes the flee bug, for those who liked the game experience with it. - Flash Reduction (Overworld).ips Removes overworld flashing effects (Like the battle transition effect.) - Original Icons.ips Restores some of the original icons for weapons and armor. - New Icons.ips Replaces the icons of the weapons and armor with the Icons of the DS Remake or the Dawn of Souls version of FF I and II. ================= 4. Changelog. ================= v2.5 - Final and probably last update of this hack. - Included a .pdf manual. - Added two optional patches for those who only want bug-fixes. v2.4 - I released this patch early because the only changes left are external to the main patch. - Claws were buffed. v2.3 - M. Knights were turned into Black mage + Knight hybrids. - Rods and staves were buffed. - Added two patches to reduce/null flashing effects. v2.2a - This will be the last small update of this hack (less than 8 changes). - Raised Elixir's price (They were too cheap). - Now all books cast a spell when used as items. - Buffed some battle items, now you'll have a reason to use them instead of magic. - All knives were buffed. v2.2 - Added a steal/drop to most monsters. - Added a new optional patch for DS version-like icons. v2.1 - Fixed the elemental bonus bug. - Edited the stats of most jobs. - Edited Eureka's hidden shop. - Edited some weapons. v2.0 Major Update. - Fixed some l/r errors like "Gurgan". - Ported some changes from Sertiana's hack. - Fighters no longer can equip the W.Slayer but the Red Mage was buffed so now you have a reason to use it even if you don't have spells. v1.2 - Updated the speed of the npcs that follow you, now they'll run when you run. - Added one optional patch. v1.1 Major Update. - Updated the Battle Interface Upgrade patch. v1.0 - Initial Release. ====================== 5. Changes to do. ====================== - Add font patches. (It's probably not that worth it.) ====================== 6. Special thanks. ====================== -Alex W. Jackson, Neill Corlett, and SoM2Freak for their translation. -SilentEnigma, A.D.R.I.A.N, Maeson, and Binarynova for some patches used on this hack. -Everything for helping with some code changes. -The RHDN forum users for helping with their ideas for more changes.