*************************************************************** TOADETTE's CHRISTMAS ADVENTURE 2010 Darkdata *************************************************************** Version 1.0 Monday, December 13 2010 *************************************************************** Table of Contents 1.0 Information 1.0.1 Story 1.1 Patch Information 1.2 Distribution and Licensing Information 1.3 Copyright Information 1.4 Disclaimer 1.5 Included Files 2.0 The Project 3.0 Known Issues in the Patch 4.0 Special Thanks 5.0 Contact *************************************************************** 1.0 - Information - 1.0.1 - Story - What a terrible way to start Christmas! Toad has been toadnapped by an evil mushroom monster! Only Toadette and her super snowball throwing skills can save him! 1.1 - Patch Information - Contained within this archive a patch that can be applied to Super Mario Bros. (JU) (PRG0) [!].nes. To patch this IPS, you can use Lunar IPS, found here at http://www.romhacking.net/utils/240/ 1.2 - Distribution and Licensing Information - This patch is NOT to be distributed pre-patched. Official distributions of this archive may be distributed freely for public use. 1.3 - Copyright Information - Super Mario Bros is property of nintendo. All graphics used from other games: SMB2 NES . 1.4 - Disclaimer- Darkdata, nor any affiliates of the aforementioned will not be held liable or responsible for any losses, damages, injury, and/or legal consequences due to the misuse, or illegal use of any of the files contained within this archive. 1.4 - Included Files - ./SWFPanic/ Readme_v2_TOADETTE.txt Toadettes Christmas Adventure.ips 2.0 - The Project - The whole point of this hack was to make a second fun short christmas hack for people to play. 3.0 - Known Issues in the Patch - * The music will sometimes halt when you hit the end of world block. 4.0 - Special Thanks - The makers of: Super Mario Bros Utility ***** Super Mario Title Editor ***** Super Tile Editor ***** YYCHR ***** Tile Molester. ***** Windhex ***** SMB Graphics Workshop ***** And you $Player, for playing my game! 5.0 - Contact - You can find me on Jul (http://jul.rustedlogic.net/index.php) and romhacking.Net EOF