### Patch Info ### Rockman no Constancy Weapons Patch ver 1.0 Created by Eightscer First created June 9, 2021 Last updated June 13, 2022 Rockman no Constancy created by IKA This patch overrides the original weapons of Rockman 2 and replaces them with those found within the popular ROM hack Rockman no Constancy (RnC), originally created by IKA in 2007 and recently updated in 2019. This patch only transfers the mechanics of the weapons to the ROM you apply the patch to - all weapons will deal the same damage as from the original ROM you patched. One exception to this is that a fully charged shot from Proto Charge (Heat Man's weapon) will be able to destroy some destructable walls. The weapons were ported from RnC v1.3 but Mega Man's sprite remains unchanged. This patch aims to be compatible with as many existing ROM hacks as possible, so items were unmodified to ensure that you wouldn't get stuck from stage design that complemented the behavior of the original items (e.g. racing Item 2 traveling below a platform). I've put a list of the games I was and wasn't able to complete with this patch at the bottom of this document - generally, this patch will work on ROM hacks that do not have a significant amount of ASM work put into it. To patch, use an IPS patching tool (such as FloatingIPS or MultiPatch) and use the 'RnCW.ips' file to patch over an existing copy of Rockman 2 or a compatible ROM hack of the same game. By default, the patch also carries over the increased difficulty of RnC v1.0 with the greatly-reduced post-hit invincibility frames. If you find this change to be too overwhelming (especially with Crash Man and Wily Machine), I have included a second patch named 'imtooyoungtodie.ips' which restores the original post-hit invincibility frames and also changes Mega Man's color to his original blue color scheme (as he appeared in RnC's normal mode). Apply this patch only after you first apply the 'RnCW.ips' to the ROM of your choice. I hope you enjoy playing this patch as much as I had making and playtesting it. -Eightscer ### Technical notes ### For some reason, part of Flash Man's weapon data in RnC v1.3 was rewritten in a new location within unused space near the end of the ROM. This would cause problems when patched to other ROM hacks, as they would often use that space for other purposes (usually music). To get around this, I had shortened it a bit and rewritten in its original location. As a side effect of this, some Rising Sun velocities were altered, but they were only ones that come from impossible button inputs. In v1.3 of RnC, Heat Man's middle charge was reintroduced and deals 3 times the damage as a fully charged shot. I did not figure out how to carry this change over, but even if I could I personally wouldn't want to do so. As you would imagine, this modification would have made Heat Man's weapon more overpowered than it already was and would practically trivialize any challenge. With this patch, the middle charge will just deal 3 times the uncharged shot. v1.3 also changed some "horizontal weapon offsets" (starting at $3D470) to compensate for the new sprite. I didn't like the new Mega Man sprite of v1.3, so the old one was used and I tried to adjust these values to what made the most sense. One major problem that comes with weapon patches like these are that anything that explodes all share the same explosion pattern (a table defined at $3E11C), so opposing crash bombs will be very difficult to dodge. This makes Crash Man's fight significantly more difficult, so it is recommended to fight him with his weakness or abuse invincibility frames with the supplemental patch. I had attempted to fix this by playing around with the hex editor to make it a little more dodgeable, but it results in enemy explosions exhibiting weird behavior, especially during stages. ### Other Minor Anomalies ### - All items are 'shot' out instead of thrown. - Delay Flame doesn't disappear when damaging a boss in Gray Zone - Incorrect animation when Ice Circle is blocked in ONN - Rising Sun acquires the 'multi-hit' property from ONN ### Test list ### Working and Beatable: - Rockman 2 - Rockman 2 Gray Zone - Rockman 2 Claw - Rockman Exhaust - Rockman Deus Ex Machina - Rockman 2 ONN - Rockman 2 Min - Rockman 2 GX - Rockman 2 Final Mix* - Rockman 2 TP *A screen in Wily 2 will force you to jump into spikes to destroy a wall Broken: - Rockman 2 Basic Master (all versions) - Rockman 2 Yender Code - Rockman CX