SHADES IN MARIO LAND Developed by POLARIA POYON 2022 Story: Shades and all of his friends were all living peacefully in a land called Ufouria, a world created from hopes and dreams. One day Bop Louie, a good friend of Shades, discovers a mysterious blue tunnel not too far from their home. But when Bop Louie peers in to get a better look, he inches too close and tumbles into it! Shades, being the courageous ghost he is, immediately follows after him. On the other side, he finds a strange world full of odd creatures he has never seen before... Gameplay: You play as shades, a ghost with a pink hat and lots of spunk! You can double jump at any point in time, even when you're falling into a pit. Make use of this to save yourself from near deaths. Fire Flowers are now "!" exclaimation point crates which contain pellets you can fire at enemies horizontally. You can also shoot them through walls. Areas: There are 4 Areas, including a Secret Area which is unlocked when you beat the main quest. -Grassy Area -Mining Area -Labyrinth Area -Bastallion Area -Kaizo Area (SECRET AREA!) There are 3 Sub Areas in each Area, with the third always being guarded by an amnesiac Bop Louie who's kidnapped a poor Toad! The 4th area (Bastallion Area) is where the beautiful maiden "Princess Toadstool" is held captive. Rescue her to beat the main quest! Playtesters: Nikki+ Googie mackbookpro Model CHP-3Y iyamwhatiyam