Mega Man 5 Charge bar - hack by LSM This patch is both work for Japanese and USA version. Tools: Lunar IPS ips-peek fceux hex editor Here is about hacking information: 2213-2214: EA EA -> Keep show charge/energy bar after switching menu. 37134-37135: 90 13 -> Keep charge hex value $38 to zero. 3DE64-3DE57: 4C 3E F5 FF -> Jump to F53E (3F54E). 3E28E-3E293: 4C 48 F5 FF FF FF -> Jump to F548 (3F558). 3F54E-3F556: Enter stages to show charge/energy bar. 3F557-3F57D: Main charge bar ASM. It includes compare buster/weapon status. Note: F53E-FDFF (3F54E-3FDFF) is unused space so you can write ASM here. To keep charge/energe bar be shown, write 8x to $2e.