The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy: Fair Edition is a patch which I created for the NES game The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (FAoD). The patch includes several (relatively) simple changes to make the game significantly less tedious. It also fixes a few bugs. With this patch, what was once a nearly impossible game becomes a fun, novel experience which ranks among other classic NES titles. Change Summary: * Dizzy has better temporary invincibility after taking damage (i-frames). * Dizzy starts the game with one extra life * Spiders do less damage and move in predictable patterns * Birds/Bats do less damage and move in (more) predictable patterns * Ants/mice do less damage, and mice in the sewers move in (more) predictable patterns * Guillotines in the town move in predictable patterns * Damage from several different sources have been reduced reduced * Added more frames to jump on the log that comes down the waterfall between the town and Yolkfolk tree-village. * Reduced how quickly the Oxygen meter decreases during the bubble mini-game * Removed an especially tedious raindrop in the graveyard near the end of the game * Fixed a bug where the last star can be collected twice (which soft-locks the player at the very end of the game) * Removed the (partial) invulnerability glitch * Fixed a glitch were lower-priority items are displayed instead of high-priority items (e.g. the star-plant object had priority over the plank object) To install the patch, follow these steps: * Have a copy of the Fantastic Adventure of Dizzy .NES file (*These steps will overwrite the existing file, so make sure to copy the original if you wish to have a vanilla version of the ROM*) * Download the patch `TheFantasticAdventuresOfDizzy_Fair.ips` from this repository [(link)]( * Download [Lunar IPS](, a program which can be used to apply the patch * Run Lunar IPS * Select "Apply IPS Patch" * Locate the TheFantasticAdventuresOfDizzy_Fair.ips file * Next, Locate the vanilla Fantastic Adventure of Dizzy .NES file (again, I suggest making a copy beforehand) * Load the newly-patched ROM (.NES file) into your emulator of choice. For more information, check out the readme here: