Hunt Man: Round Cutter Creates a boomerang that goes around Megaman, and, if used in midair, it gives the player a height boost that can be used more than once, but each boost also consume energy. Hold the Jump Button to increase the boost. Ammo consumption: 1 bar if if used on the ground and for each height boost 2 bars when the weapons comes out in the air Cave Man: Spread Boulder Creates a spread shot of rocks in front of Megaman. Use it closer to an enemy for higher damage. Ammo consumption: 1 bar Tint Man: Tint Gun It shots fast balls of tint in an slighty arc, with higher vertical range than the buster and also abit stronger. The player have 3 in the screen at max. Ammo consumption: half a bar (56 shots) Dyna Man: Wild Dynamite It shots a dynamite that quickly explodes in 8 directions. Very powerful, but also has a bigger delay to fire again in comparison with other weapons. Ammo consumption: 2 bars Pyro Man: Heat Hover It fires a fast piercing fireball in front of Megaman, makes him float for around 2 seconds in the air where the player can move left and right, and has Invincibility frames that last 1 second after the hover is finished. Ammo consumption: 3 bars Zap Man: Spark Splicer It fires a big piercing spark that, after pressing the fire button again, it splits itself horizontally, which can be done more than once as long as the front spark is on the screen (good for higher damage). It can be aimed Up and Down before splitting Ammo consumption: 2 bars Health Container: Recovers 3 bars of health per use Ammo consumption: 4 bars