Thank you for downloading NES Lemmings Improvement! This hack features: - Improved color palettes - Improved music and sound effects - Simultaneous music and sound effects - More useful HUD - More appealing font for menu screens - More appealing toolbar design - Tweaked lemming animations - Various bug fixes and gameplay tweaks - Altered levels to work with those gameplay tweaks We hope this is more enjoyable to play! NOTICE: BOTH the NTSC-optimized version AND the PAL-optimized version MUST be applied to the USA release of the game!!! Updated 2024 by Nintendo Lemmings Improvement Team. Designed by The Tomato Watcher and MisaeRockabout! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version History: Ver. 1.4: - Added the classic "Let's Go!" speech sample at the start of every level (without increasing the ROM size!) - Fixed an issue where repeatedly pausing could cause the Lemmings to slowly desync from one another - Fixed a bug preventing the Lemming status "DROWNER" from appearing in the HUD - Fixed a bug causing the first frame of the chain trap animation to be skipped - Added the ability to mash the d-pad to navigate the skill bar quicker - Implemented the skill bar logic in the password screen to make it less annoying to enter them - Tweaked some title screen graphics - Tweaked some graphics in the end credits - Updated end credits Ver. 1.3: - Greatly improved cursor movement; it now accelerates to a top speed of 3px/frame the longer you hold a direction, rather than stiffly moving at a constant speed of 2px/frame - Altered cursor graphics for better contrast - Improved audio mixing - Better Bomber sound effect and animation - Better Skill Assignment sound effect - Added Steel sound effect - Fixed some very small timing issues - Fixed a very minor audio bug where sound effects would nullify any pitch bend effects for the channel it played on until a new pitch bend effect was loaded - Several small changes to skillsets - Game now initializes all of memory at power-on (yes, the original game didn't do that, and it executed several uninitialized memory reads, albeit inconsequential) - Provided a PAL-optimized patch with corrected audio - Updated end credits Ver. 1.2: - Fixed a bug where assigning a Basher to a left-facing Miner would result in the Basher deleting part of the Miner ramp, making it impossible to walk up without using more skills - Enabled skipping the intro cutscene without having to wait - Swapped the terrain of Fun 18 to match that of Mayhem 14 rather than Tricky 1, as the solutions for Fun 18 and Tricky 1 were identical - Increased time limit of Tricky 6 from 3 minutes to 6 minutes - Altered the Faller animation to face in one direction rather than flipping back and forth Ver. 1.1: - Enabled assigning skills while the game is paused - Altered skillset and save requirement of Mayhem 25 to be less annoying - Removed two small lava objects in Tricky 8 to avoid PPU OAMADDR bug when hatches open Ver. 1.0: - Enabled switching skills while the game is paused - Pausing the game no longer obscures the HUD - Skills assigned to Climbers pulling up onto a ledge are no longer eaten and are instead queued as normal - Builders now bounce off walls/ramps and continue building in the opposite direction, including when they are first assigned to a Walker about to hit a wall - In any situation where a Builder cannot build at all (e.g. hitting a ceiling or being assigned between two ramps) he will ALWAYS turn around before reverting to a Walker - Builders assigned to Bashers near a ledge no longer get eaten - Bashers can no longer phase through tiles without destroying them