Removes title screen flashing, removes super shop cursor and text flashing, removes water and lava animations, remove flashing when magic stone is used, removes flashing related to ending mini-game, and removes pulsing on The End screen. ---------------------------- spoilers below ---------------------------- Details of changes made: 04933: BC -> 60 : removes water and lava animation 0A245: CE0706AD0706 -> A9008D070660 : removes flashing when failing to disarm the bomb 0A2C6: 8E39028E3D028E41028E4502 -> EAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEAEA : removes flashing on the bomb countdown 0BFAA: EEAE05 -> EAEAEA : removes flashing on the super shop text 0BFD6: 4901 -> EAEA : removes flashing on the super shop cursor 0EED5: 0F301628300330 -> 16161616161616 : removes title screen flashing 0FDA3: 028538EE -> 0085388D : removes pulsing on The End screen 1988D: 85 -> 60 : removes flashing when using the magic stone at the statue on route 40 198AB: 49 -> 60 : removes flashing when using the magic stone when beneath the ground on route 40