+---------------------------------------+ | Donkey Kong: Kill-Screen Variety Pack | +---------------------------------------+ | Overview +-------------------------------------- A variety pack of kill-screen hacks for use with Donkey Kong: Original Edition, which has the cement-factory stage. | Features +-------------------------------------- - Fixes NES kill-screen that occurs on Loop 133. - Fixes bug that caps bonus points to 8,000 instead of 9,000. - Bonus hack: reinserts a kill-screen inspired by the American-Arcade kill-screen on board 117. - Bonus hack: reinserts a kill-screen inspired by the Japanese-Arcade kill-screen on board 85. For a demonstration of these features, see the video section below. | Video +-------------------------------------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeICEDkBhSA | Resources Used +-------------------------------------- Nathan Altice, Porting the Kill Screen http://metopal.com/2012/03/24/porting-the-kill-screen/ Jeff Kulczycki, What's with the Kill Screen? http://www.jeffsromhack.com/products/donkeykong_tech.htm Don Hodges, How High Can You Get? http://donhodges.com/how_high_can_you_get.htm | Tools Used +-------------------------------------- - FCEUX - Lunar IPS | Platform +-------------------------------------- Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) | Game Credits +-------------------------------------- - Nintendo, developer of the original game. | Version History +-------------------------------------- Version 1.0 created March 31 - April 1, 2023 and submitted on June 11, 2023. | License +-------------------------------------- MIT License | Creator +-------------------------------------- clymax https://twitter.com/clymax