4/24/2024 ____ _ /\ /\___ _ __ ___ /___ \_ _ ___ ___| |_ / /_/ / _ \ '__/ _ \ // / / | | |/ _ \/ __| __| / __ / __/ | | (_) / \_/ /| |_| | __/\__ \ |_ \/ /_/ \___|_| \___/\___,_\ \__,_|\___||___/\__| No Music Edition Patch this version: Name: Hero Quest (Europe) (Proto).nes Size: 131088 bytes (128 KiB) CRC32: 3A0B6DD2 CRC64: 8E03C84A42C3A37E SHA256: 8125AE4746633E1DDACDE7DDFED5B310EBE917BBB490A0A6C8BFF927E4BF708F SHA1: 0D166C13FDF4B50E316FDC1AAA0CD4B67FCBC599 BLAKE2sp: 48F6228303C431BE104C621383472F67FEDE99D4AF42E16D2D949340A112EF85 Do not use "Hero Quest (USA) (Proto).nes" as it is an early (and more unfinished) prototype that is already NTSC. The later PAL prototype is much more complete, which is the version targeted. IPS files will either patch the game to not use music with the PAL or NTSC timing. NTSC SFX is timed appropriately for 60hz. After patching the NTSC version, remove "(Europe)" from the file name so emulators won't think it's still PAL (FCEUX). Otherwise, if you're using the PAL version, it works as intended.