Journey to silius Plus V1 changelog: // LIVES AND CONTINUES - the number of lives we start the game with was increased to 5 - the number of continues was decreased to 1 - after using the continue, the number of lives was decreased to 1 // INTERFACE - after the "game over" message, the "continue" message was transformed into "last try" - the "exit" option of the hidden menu was transformed into "play" - a text field was added to the title screen - thanks to Dizzy9 (thanks pal!) // MENU AND OPTIONS - the hidden menu is reached by pressing the "B" button twice, instead of 33 times - the number of lives may be changed - the number of continues cannot be changed - the "continue" was replaced with "rests" - the number of lives may not be set to 0 - thanks to Dizzy9 (thanks pal!) // PICK-UPS - the life drops contain twice more energy - the life and ammo drops remain collectable 50% longer // SOUNDS AND MUSIC - the sound is changed by pressing the START button at the title screen - the music was removed from the title screen - the title screen music is moved to the level 5 // OTHER - the title screen fading was adjusted to the new sound set's length // LEVELS AND THEIR INTERIOR - the look of levels 1, 2, 3 & 4 was modified - in level 5, the screen movement speed factor was increased by 25% - in level 4, at the mini-boss chamber - the non-existent walls were fixed // ENEMIES - the enemies were relocated at levels 1, 2, 3 & 5 - the ground laser guns remain hidden the half of the time they used to - the speed of ground laser guns' laser beams was increased to the maximum - the level 1 mini-boss's bullets flight speed was increased to the maximum - most enemie's energy was increased // WEAPONS - the weapon set was modified for levels 1-3 - shotgun shot's cost increased by 50% - the angles of shotgun's side shots were increaded by 50% - hand gun bullets' speed increased by 14%, they are as fast as the shotgun's side shots - the number of bullets possible to shot from the gun at once was decreased to 2 - the machine gun bullet speed increased by 15% - the number of bullets possible to shot from the machine gun at once was decreased to 2 - the speed of laser guns shot (player's) was increased by 6,25% - the homing missles start to look for a target 20% faster - the number of bullets possible to shot from the rocket launcher at once was decreased to 2 - the time interval between the following rocket launcher shots was increased by 125% // PALETTES AND COLOURS - the inpropper colour of the last "S" letter's bottom at the title screen was fixed - the palette of the title screen was changed - the player's colour was changed - the palettes were changed for levels 1, 3, 4 & 5 (also in the credits) - the final animations palette was changed