MODIFIED GAME : Fall of the Moon™ REMADE BY : Imperial Production Studio (IPS) YEAR : 2000 VERSION : 1.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ORIGONAL GAME : The Legend of Zelda 1 MADE BY : Nintendo YEAR : 1987 CODE : NES-ZL-SCN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1.0 Note From The Author 2.0 Requirements And Nutrition Facts 3.0 Fall of the Moon (condensed version) 4.0 Walkthrough 5.0 Credits 6.0 Disclaimer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 Thank you for downloading this IPS file. I've spent many sleepless nights getting this to look as good as possible. As far as I can tell, this game should be able to work with any NES emulator that runs "The Legend of Zelda" I've tested this game in NESticle (version 4.2 for Windows, and x.xx for DOS), LoopyNES, BioNES, JNES, fwNES, and NESten, and it runs quite well in all of them. However, I have noticed that in LoopyNES, some of the enemies tend to fly out of the boundaries of the screen, sometimes causing the emulaton to hang. It did that in the original game too, so I'm guessing it's a bug in the emulator, and not anything that my coding has created. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0 Requirements And Nutrition Facts Basic Requirements: Computer (Preferably a fast 486 at bare minimum) The Legend of Zelda ROM Data IPS Patcher Nintendo Emulator Reccomended Emulators: Windows 9x\200x JNES NEStra DOS NESticle Nutrition Facts: Sodium: 90% Electrical impulses: 100% Vitamin A: 6% Vitamin B6: 2% Cyanide: 12% Saturated fats: 42.8% NOT A SUGNIFICANT SOURCE FOR IRON!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3.0 Fall of the Moon (condensed version) Long ago, there was a time when peace and harmony would reigned. However, there is no rightiousness without an underlying darkside. Evil doesn't ever really die, it merely bides her time, waiting to strike again. Back in the days past, the Earth had two moons. One of them was a desolate wasteland, while the other was alive with inhabitants. The moon was full of humans and animals, that coexisted in harmony. Everyone lived in peace. Perhaps the most peaceful of the moon's populace was Princess Selenety. Selenety was one who studied history, and knew a vast number of things. Selenety loved reading about myths and legends. One legend in particular, told of a time when the great peace on Earth would end, and evil would hand the world over to chaos. One of Earth's moons would be destroied at this time. But also in this time, a great warrior would fall from the sky, and avenge those who died from Evil's wrath. This tale worried the princess. Soon to become heir to the throne, Selenety became anxious, and raised up a warrior by the name of Sabes. Selenety guarded Sabes with nine symbols of power. Enclosed in these triangle shaped stones, were the keys to a great power unknown to mortals. Sabes scattered eight of these keys of power throughout her homeland, the land of Eshraz. Sabes chose to guard the ninth fragment herself. Being scattreed, the powerkeys could do little more than emit a faint light. But both Sabes and Selenety knew that when the nine symbols gathered together, the power inside would be released. It was Sabe's intention to have this power be used to destroy the evil when it returned again, and she was determined to have her way. For a few years, nothing unusual happened. Sabes became renown as a great warrior in the land of Eshraz. Her skill was unmatched. But on the day that Selenety would become queen of the moon, a black force engulfed the Earth and started seeking out the nine keys of power. Sabes fought valiantly, but was unable to recover the eight hidden powerkeys in time, and was taked captive. Evil's forces eventually found the eight hiding places of the remaining powerkeys, but could not enter into the chambers that held the keys of power, repelled by Sabe's magic. In a rage, Evil sent a darkness to cover the moon, to find and seek out the queen called Selenety. Selenety called up her armies to fight back against the darkness, and a war broke out, plunging the moon into chaos. Tremors soon erupted all over the moon as the fighting threatened to tear the moon apart. Queen Selenety was taken captiave, and was faced with a choice. She could either enter the chambers to gain the eight fragments of power and assemble them, or Evil would kill her. Selenety chose to die, with her secrets dieing with her. However, using her last breath, she created a warrior that would avenge the fall of the moon into Evil's control. She called her creation by the name of Rahshu. Selenety witnessed as Evil smashed the moon to peices, and as her creation sped to the Earth. Her last hope was that this wrongdoing would be avenged... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4.0 WALKTHROUGH The game opens with Rahshu standing in a mountianous area, facing north. He has nothing to his name, and outside of this screen, Rahshu's going to have to defend himself. Like in the Legend of Zelda, there are two quests. Both quests are possible to complete, keep in mind, as both quests have been checked for errors. Anyway, this walkthrough will deal with how to get the sword in the first quest. In the original game, this task was simple; walk into a cave and listen to an old man tell you about the rest of the outside world. In this game, that task is a little more complicated. To get a sword the player has two options: search for two hear containers, or beat two labyrynths. The end result is the same, the player must obtain two more heart containers before even thinking of doing anything else (unless you're really good). The first mode of action would be to gain some form of cash to obtain some supplies from the locals. Directly to the north is an open cave with someone only too happy to oblidge in giving you some badly-needed money. Working your way to the top-right corner of the map, you'll encounter one who will give you 100 rupiees. Between the two, one could afford a candle (used only to burn enemies and kill off the weaker enemies, like the red octorocks) and some bombs as well. From here, the task of gaining the two heart containers should be easy. At some time, you might want to talk with one of the two little girls that will tell you information for a price. She gives a clue to finding one of the heart containers you need. One heart container is in a mound of rock directly north of level 2 (the second labyrynth) in exactly the same place as in the first game. The second one is harder to find. Rahshu should follow the seaside (you'll hear a static-like noise in most emulators) all the way down to the bottom-righthand corner of the map. From here, follow the seaside all the way until it dead-ends and a ladder is visable, allowing Rahshu to go northward. In this screen, the second heart container can be found. If you've talked to the little girl, then you'll know where to place the bomb. Please note that bombs destroy some walls, rocks, and enemies, and will not hurt anything else. The second quest requires you to obtain the ocarina without a sword. Use the ocarina in the desert and in the mountians, and you should obtain both of the heart containers you need. Please note that it's advised to complete the first level before attempting to get the ocarina. Please visit "" for another take on playing the game without a sword. It's complete with pictures! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5.0 CREDITS (In case ya wanted ta see the progs I used ta make this game!) Fall of the Moon Origonal creator: Nintendo Game Modification: Rahshu Az-Mansur Primary Graphics editor: Tile Layer Secondary Graphics editor: Paint Shop Pro 5.01 Graphics Inserter: Graphics Extractor\Inserter Overworld Editor: Zelda Improvement Dialouge and pallete editor: Thingy Main Resource Page: Zophar's Domain ( Secondary Resourse: The Zelda Headquarters ( Emulators Used: LoopyNES, NESticle 95, BioNES, JNES, Nesticle x.xx (arranged by what emulator was used most frequently) Three years in the making ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6.0 DISCLAMER Imperial Production Studios (IPS) is not in association with Nintendo Japan, Nintendo of America, or any other involved companies. IPS is not in association with any of the makers of the afforementioned programs. These files are supplied as is, and the user handles these files at their own risk. IPS is not to be held liable for any possible damages related to this patch, or from those that obtain this patch. Fall of the Moon is Copywright 1993-2000 IPS. Rahshu, Sabes, Selenety are trademarks of IPS and will not be used without permission. Fall of the Moon (video game patch) is copywright 2000 IPS. Rahshu, Sabes, Selenety are trademarks of IPS and will not be used without permission. This patch is not to be distributed with the "Legend of Zelda" ROM data, nor is a "Legend of Zelda" ROM to be sent with this patch applied. This patch may be freely distributed if left unaltered, unchanged, and not provided at your own work. People who use this patch are entitled to enjoy themselves, and they owe me a coke! (Hey, does anyone read the leagal munbo-jumbo anyway? ;)