Samurai Shodown Anthology - Hidden Characters Hack Improvement in Samurai Shodown: -Enable Amakusa as a selectable character. Improvement in Samurai Shodown II: -Enable Kuroko & Mizuki as selectable characters. Improvement in Samurai Shodown III: -Enable Zankuro & Kuroko as selectable characters. Improvement in Samurai Shodown IV: -Enable Zankuro as a selectable character. Improvement in Samurai Shodown V: -Enable Yumeji, Sankuro, Poppy & Gaoh as selectable characters. The patch can be applied to the iso file through the program Delta Patcher which can be found in this site. ============== Special thanks ============== Special thanks to the original creators of these hacks. Unfortunately I do not know their names, but the credit is for all of them. The hacks presented in this patch are partially based on their work. ============================== John-Paul from ============================== Twitter: @Juan_Pablo_81 ==============================