This is a cosmetic mod that changes some skill and mantra names to be more accurate to the original Japanese, clearer at conveying their mechanical effect, or just to sound nicer. A list of changes and reasoning are provided in this file. -------------------------------------- Typo/mistranslation corrections: -Varna -> Varuna -Vayaviya -> Vayavya -Fierce Spirit -> Kishin -Raksas -> Rakshasa -------------------------------------- Elemental mantras now have more consistent naming schemes. Except for Earth, they are now all: [Element] Spirit -> [Element] Demon -> Elemental -> (Unique) -> [Element] Master Fire Spirit -> Fire Demon -> Salamander -> Fire Lord -> Fire Master Ice Spirit -> Ice Demon -> Jack Frost -> Ice Wolf -> Ice Master Wind Spirit -> Wind Demon -> Sylph -> Wind Waker -> Wind Master (yes it's a Zelda reference, sue me) Bolt Spirit -> Bolt Demon -> Raiju -> Bolt Wizard -> Bolt Master Earth Spirit -> Earth Shrine -> Gnome -> Earth Temple -> Earth Empire (it annoyed me that the upper Earth mantras broke the pattern of being places rather than titles) -------------------------------------- Other mantras: Wikipedia -> Abaddon (This one had to be a joke placeholder, right? I can't find the original Japanese so I'm just making something up for this one.) Dark Leader -> Dark Wizard ("Leader" is just really awkward in this context, sorry localizers) Priestess -> Miko (for consistency with my DDS2 mod) Thrones -> Throne (no idea why this was plural) Evil Spirit -> Ghost Dark Spirit -> Wraith (increasingly edgy adjectives prepended to "Spirit" just sounds dumb in English, sorry) Death Spirit -> Psychopomp (I have no idea what this was supposed to mean, but it's confusing to have it on the healing branch, especially when there's already a "Death" mantra. I presume it's meant to mean "spirit with power over life and death", and this is the closest English has to that.) Vicious God -> Messiah (I have no idea what "Vicious God" is supposed to mean or why it's on the healing branch of all things. Since this mantra gives Salvation, I decided to just double down on the Christianity theme.) Adamant -> Atman (I assume this was a mistranslation, this fits with the ailment line's Buddhist theme) Holy Leader -> Buddha (same) Evil God -> Devil ("Evil God" just sounds silly, sorry localizers) Insane God -> Zealot (consistency with other SMT localizations) Monotheist -> Polytheist (because it makes negative sense that mastering multiple elements makes you a "monotheist") Godly Spirit -> Onmyo (I don't like the YHVH reference when this is one of the very few SMT games where he's not present, so I've changed it to reference *this* game's final boss instead. Bonus, it's a Hindu term, which is the cosmology used by DDS.) -------------------------------------- Demon races: Fiend -> Mystic (for consistency with my DDS2 mod; yes, this is the same as the Nether race in DDS2) Demon -> Brute Evil -> Icon (for consistency with DDS2) -------------------------------------- Skills: Closdi -> Mutudi Avalanche -> Landslide (I associate "avalanche" soley with snowfall) Vanity -> Madness (Japanese name is a reference to a nihilistic Buddhist saying meaning "all is vanity, form is emptiness", essentially saying existence is contradictory. Given two of the ailments inflicted are mental, I assume the idea is the spell drives you mad by revealing the meaninglessness of existence?) Calm Death -> Eternal Rest (for consistency with SMT3) Seraph Lore -> Seraphic Lore Genocide -> Massacre (more accurate to the Japanese and less edgelordy) Ragnarok -> Apocalypse (reduces confusion with Ragnarok being fire-element in other games, closer to original Japanese meaning "end of the world") Feed Frenzy -> Feeding Frenzy Ingest -> Swallow Whole (better conveys effect, also more accurate to Japanese) Last Meal -> Last Supper (the Japanese is literally the same as the Biblical term, not sure why the localizers changed it) Null Sleep -> Sleepwalker (to avoid confusion with other Null skills) -------------------------------------- Combo skills: Fimbulvet -> Niflheim Titan -> Titanomachia (for consistency with DDS2) Gang Blast -> Rumble Rush (more accurate to Japanese, also more accurate to component skills) Millennia Curse -> Millennium Curse