Since Zaraktheus did all hard work of researching and creating this code - and all I did was look for stuff based on where his codes wrote to memory - I'll let him do the talking. Mir_Vimes Come visit the Biolab for more SaGa Frontier hacking! **** From: SAGA FRONTIER DATA/MECHANICS GUIDE By Zaraktheus Ctrl + f "[PATCH11]" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Monster PCs can freely Seal and re-Equip any Abilities they Know: d00691f4 f1ed 800691f4 0000 d00691f6 0c02 800691f6 2402 d0069a44 f1ed 80069a44 0000 d0069a46 0c02 80069a46 2402 d0069242 12c2 80069242 1000 d0087c84 0030 80087c84 00b0 I created this code set to allow Monster PCs to use the Equip Abilities Menu to access and Equip all the Abilities they've ever Absorbed (or had on their pre- Absorbed list, etc), just like any other Race can do. The Monster Abilities will now be included within the "Fighting" sub-Menu (they aren't normally in any sub-Menu, but I added them in). With this, there's no longer any need to agonize over what Abilities to keep on your Monster, since you can get anything you've ever had back at will. Again, this really just brings Monsters into balance with the other Races in this respect. You can also freely change your Monster's Ability setup for specific situations, again just like you can normally do with any other Race, making them much more easily adaptable to specific boss fights, etc. Also, this alleviates the need to diligently record on a checklist every Ability each Monster Absorbs, so that you can keep track of which ones you've already gotten and which ones you still need. Now it's as simple as opening the Menu and reading the perfectly up-to-date list of Abilities they already Know. Because certain Monster PCs begin play with Abilities (e.g. DivingPress, Kusanagi) on their pre-Absorbed list which they could never naturally Absorb and use, this code set gives those PCs the option to use those Abilities. If you like that, have fun with it; if you don't, just don't Equip those Abilities. Similarly, some Monster PCs start with extensive pre-Absorbed lists and will now begin play with access to many more powerful Abilities than normal. Again, if you like that, have fun with it; if you don't, just don't Equip those Abilities. This code set also (intentionally) eases a few other Equip Abilities restrictions on other Races, but it's nothing you'd notice anyway without hacking Abilities onto them that they couldn't normally have. This is just a heads-up for anyone who may do that and be surprised to find that they can Equip more than they were expecting. It basically just allows every PC to Equip ANY Abilities they Know, rather than being limited to specific sub-sets according to Race (e.g. Mecs can only Equip from the Special sub-Menu, Mystics can only Equip from the Magic sub-Menu, etc). Again, that doesn't make any difference unless you have PCs who Know Abilities they wouldn't legitimately Know, but if you did have such PCs, this would make it much more convenient to change their Abilities around, since you could now do it through the in-game interface instead of needing to create a specific code for each Ability you want to Equip. Specifically, the code set: 1. Gives all Races access to the sub-Menus normally available to Humans, which is every sub-Menu except Special. 2. Further, treats every PC as if they were Red or Asellus, in that they also get access to the Special sub-Menu. Don't ask me why Red gets access to the Special sub-Menu, since he never normally Learns anything on it. Probably has to do with something that got cut. 3. Bypasses the exclusion that normally plays the "Denied" noise and prevents Monster PCs from being able to do anything with a Slot after double-clicking it. 4. Extends the range of Abilities eligible for the Fighting sub-Menu to include the Monster Abilities. With that, every Ability in the game is now accessible in one of the sub-Menus. Enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------