====================================== NBA Jam TE - Air Jordan Patch [U] [h] by Double Z (aka eskayelle) ====================================== This patch is a proof in concept constructed by the author to learn certain elements of PSX hacking, the game in question being NBA Jam - Tournament Edition. Its specific goal is to add Michael Jordan to the game, replacing Ron Harper with MJ. This includes name string, player attributes, announcer name sound byte, portrait and head graphics. Note that various assets used in this patch were obtained via porlork's NBA Jam 21 hack. Please be sure to support that hack; download it and enjoy all the new players and features! (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5700/) Other Notes: This patch should be applied to the US version of the game. Please note that several of the utilities mentioned in this document may be found on www.romhacking.net. This hack was tested and confirmed as working in the Windows version (v2.0.2) of ePSXe. --------------- Version History --------------- v1.0 (4-18-2021) Using xvi32, replaced RON HARPER string with MICHAEL JORDAN. Replaced Harper's skills attributes with Jordan's from the SNES Double Z Mod. Using Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, and RNC ProPackED, inserted Jordan's portrait as per arcade source (reducing the image to 64x56 and 165 colors to fit the compressed space). Using HxD, swapped out Harper's head sprites in favor of ponlork's NBA Jam 21 v1.0 Jordan head sprites. Using HxD, in OVERLAY.BIN, swapped out skin color code to match to ponlork's NBA Jam 21 v1.0 bytes. Using HxD, in PLAYER.NAM, swapped out ADPCM sound code at A000 in favor of ponlork's NBA Jam 21 Jordan sound clip. Edited OVERLAY.BIN to point to the revised sound code address. At this point, we have Jordan in the game! Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN, PRESQUAT.GFX, PIN.BIN, PLAYER.NAM ===================================== How to Patch NBA Jam T.E. for PSX Step-by-Step instructions by Double Z ===================================== Step 1 (Using CDMage): Let's assume your ISO is a bin (or multiple bins) and a cue file. Open the .cue file using CDMage. (File > Open) If you want to combine a multiple bin game into one bin, in CDMage, select the .cue file at the top of the file structure in the left panel of the GUI. Go to File > Save As... > Save > OK. Remember where you saved your file! (This might be an optional step, in case you need a one-bin file such as to convert to .pbp and play on a Raspberry Pi.) (CDMage will merge the multiple bins into one, leaving you with a single bin and a cue file.) (Because I created this Double Z Mod using one bin, it may be best to perform this step.) Step 2 (Using PPF-O-Matic v3.0): In the ISO File field, open a copy of you original .bin file. In the Patch field, select your patch. Press Apply. WARNING: The file you select will be patched, so be sure to take a copy of the original file before patching. Step 3 (Using your favorite emulator): Play your patched game!