======================================= NBA Jam TE - Double Z Mod v1.18 [J] [h] by Double Z (aka eskayelle) ======================================= With the Japanese release of NBA Jam T.E. having potentially corrected a number of issues found in the American release, given the American release was timed to release as a first-run PSX game, this patch provides the player the Double Z Mod experience with respect to Japanese NBA Jam - Tournament Edition. This patch should be applied to the Japanese version of the game ONLY. Note that various assets used in this patch were obtained via porlork's NBA Jam 21 hack. Please be sure to support that hack; download it and enjoy all the new players and features! (https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/5700/) Please also note that most of the utilities mentioned in this document may be found on www.romhacking.net. This hack was tested and confirmed as working in the Windows version (v2.0.2) of ePSXe as well as pSX v1.13. It is also known to work in RetroArch (v1.9.1) for Android. ------------------- Secret Player Codes ------------------- Scorpion | SCO | 7/6 Chris Kirby | CHR | 12/18 Dominique Wilkins | DOM | 4/16 Alonzo Mourning | ZO_ | 2/8 Sub-Zero | SUB | 12/5 Bill Laimbeer | BIL | 5/19 Patrick Ewing | PAT | 8/5 David Robinson | ROB | 8/6 Kobe Bryant | KOB | 8/23 Bart Simpson | EAT | 2/23 Charles Barkley | SIR | 2/20 Shawn Kemp | KMP | 11/26 LeBron James | KNG | 12/30 Karl Malone | KRL | 7/24 Mike Iuzzolino | WHY | 1/22 Michael Jordan | AIR | 2/17 Dennis Rodman | ROD | 5/13 Hakeem Olajuwon | HAK | 1/21 Scottie Pippen | PIP | 9/25 Moses Malone | MOS | 3/23 Magic Johnson | ERV | 8/24 Noob Saibot | SAI | 6/6 Reptile | RPT | 11/11 Shaquille O'Neal | SHQ | 3/6 James Worthy | WOR | 2/27 Air Morris | AIR | 1/1 Stephen Curry | CUR | 3/14 Smoke | SMK | 7/4 Chris Webber | WEB | 3/1 Isaiah Thomas | ZEK | 4/30 Kevin Durant | KEV | 9/29 Mark Turmell | TUR | 1/31 Prince Charles | CHA | 5/4 Frank Thomas | FNK | 1/8 Fresh Prince | FRS | 2/2 Heavy D | HEA | 1/9 Hillary Clinton | HIL | 11/6 Jazzy Jeff | JAZ | 10/9 Benny the Bull | BEN | 9/20 Carol Blazejowski | BLZ | 1/14 Hugo | HOR | 6/12 Larry Bird | LAR | 1/15 Suns Gorilla | APE | 4/2 Crunch | WOL | 3/7 Bill Clinton | BIL | 6/3 Jean-Claude Van Damme | DAM | 10/18 Giannis Antetokounmpo | FRK | 12/6 Kim Gordon | GOR | 7/3 Jimmy Butler | BKT | 9/14 Lee Renaldo | REN | 2/4 Steve Shelley | SHY | 6/8 Thurston Moore | MOE | 6/8 --------------- Version History --------------- (5-31-2021) Based upon analyses documented within my Hacking Japanese NBA Jam T.E. for PSX v1.0.xlsx document, determined that the following files were unchanged between the American and Japanese release of the game. Thus, the Double Z mod files can be directly moved over to the Japanese rom. Having done this, the splash screens are implemented, as well as all player sounds, heads, and secret player portraits. Missing are the attributes and roster changes, plus the Dream Team, the super cheat, the campaign order adjustment, the sound effect changes (NBA[x].VB files), and the portraits changed in PRESQUAT.GFX (Jordan, Bird, Magic, and Barkley). Also not yet in are the revised RAW tunes. (Revised loading screen to reflect a Double Z Mod style kanji.) Files impacted: PIN.BIN; PLAYER.NAM; HIDDEN.BIN; HICOL.GFX (6-1-2021) At 17008, changed value 02 00 to F7 01 to change the MAX POWER cheat to give all abilities except fire. At 1A2C in SLPS_001.99, fixed the MAW POWER typo to just read POWER. Right, Right, Left, Right, X, X, Right now gives a super cheat! Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN; SLPS_001.99 Via SLPS_001.99, resorted the campaign ladder at 5D744 - 5D7AC. to mimic the SNES Double Z Mod. Resorted the "Most popular teams" order in OVERLAY.BIN (2AD78 - 2ADE0). Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN; SLPS_001.99 In OVERLAY.BIN, color palettes for the player attributes appear to be at 30BD8, 30C18, and 30C58 (two bytes each, i.e., 15bpp BGR). Changed 30BD8 from #$7FFF (white) to #$18DF (red). Changed 30C18 from #$2BAA (green) to #$7FFF (white). Changed 30C58 from #$18DF (red) to #$2BAA (green). Note the reverse Endian format. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN Inserted the American Double Z Mod NBA[x].VB sound files into the rom. Note that the original American and Japanese .VBs are the exact same. Files affected: NBA1.VB; NBA2.VB; NBA3.VB; NBA4.VB; NBA5.VB; NBA6.VB Copied the contents of the secret player table from the American Double Z Mod. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN Copied the revised features per the American Double Z Mod to the Japanese rom. Copied over the ending revisions and attract mode revisions as well. Used HxD to copy the player attributes table from the American Double Z Mod. Left Kirby's Japanese stats intact. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN (6-2-2021) Within PRESQUAT.GFX, copied over the RNC portraits for Kukoc, Jordan, Barkley, Magic, and Bird. Files affected: PRESQUAT.GFX Located Mobley's skin color within OVERLAY.BIN at 32418. As this was the palette repurposed for Bart Simpson, copied over his palette from the U.S. Double Z Mod. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN Note that a comparison of the American and Japanese roms indicates that GAMEINIT.RNC has no changes. As GAMEINIT.RNC is used for the following items in the American Double Z Mod, moved it over to the Japanese rom. 1) SUPERSTARS uniform palette. 2) SUPERSTARS scoreboard name. Files affected: GAMEINIT.RNC At 1C60 in OVERLAY.BIN, changed JAM to USA. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN Changed "THE CHAMPS" to "OLYMPIANS" in SLPS_001.99. Files affected: SLPS_001.99 Adjusted the SUPERSTARS roster to reflect Dream Team players. Revised the ROOKIES roster to mimic the American Double Z Mod. Logo palette placed at 2FFC4 in OVERLAY.BIN. Palette length is 0x60 bytes. Within PRESQUAT.GFX, replaced the logo at E49F with a Team USA Basketball logo. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN; PRESQUAT.GFX Portrait fix from American Double Z Mod: At 2DB23 in OVERLAY.BIN, changed the offset to 0C CA 02 00. Then, changed the roster for Rookies to 24 CB 1E 80. Monty Williams now has the right head! (Monty Williams is 41B11 in US PRESQUAT. Note to fix that in a future update. Should be 02CA0C.) Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN Note that PRES.SND is identical in the American versus Japanese roms. Swapped in the American Double Z Mod. Files affected: PRES.SND (6-4-2021) In OVERLAY.BIN, from 2EC30 to 2F079, and from 2F430 to 2FA47, edited Bulls and Nets rosters. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN NEW1.RAW, NEW2.RAW, NEW3.RAW, and NEW7.RAW are unchanged between the American and Japanese roms. Moved NEW1 thru 3 plus NEW7.RAW over from the American Double Z Mod. Files affected: NEW1.RAW; NEW2.RAW; NEW3.RAW; NEW7.RAW (6-5-2021) Added two new in-game tracks to replace the stock rock tracks. Get yourself a Basketball Jones for some Quad City DJs! Moved over NEW4.RAW (SNES end of quarter track) from the American Double Z Mod. Files affected: NEW4.RAW; NEW5.RAW; NEW6.RAW Revised some Dream Team combos. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN Astroblast font is here! Analyzed ponlork's NBA Jam 21 to determine an arcade-style font for attribute/stat numbers. Files affected: PRESQUAT.GFX (6-6-2021) Cut time off the Laimbeer sound so that it doesn't cause the 2nd player's name to register during play as well. Pasted the revised clip into 2A8000 in PLAYER.NAM. Reminder that PLAYER.NAM is the same in the American and Japanese games, so the file can just be moved over to the U.S. Double Z Mod to correct that as well. Changed J FALCUS to LAIMBEER in OVERLAY.BIN; also corrected stats to match the American Double Z Mod. Jimmy Butler's name clip sounded too low in pitch; increased pitch 10% and reinserted it into PLAYER.NAM at 334000. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN; PLAYER.NAM v1.17 (6-16-2021): Replaced Rodman's portrait with the corrected one from the American Double Z Mod. Based on the GDC 2018 presentation by Mark Turmell, changed "IDIOT BOXES" in the Options menu to "BOZO BOXES". Meanwhile, with the Japanese game more "fair" than the American one, you'll have to earn some Olympians by beating all 27 teams. Ensured that Magic (to slot 7), Barkley (already in slot 7), and Bird (to slot 13) are on the Extended Roster instead of the main one. Shaq added as well, replacing Dennis Scott on Orlando and using G. Wilkins' portrait slot, since Scott's doesn't allow for enough colors. Files affected: OVERLAY.BIN; PRESQUAT.GFX v1.18 (7-9-2021): Modified the following offsets in SLPS_001.99: 1) 2FF10: Changed from 01 to 04 to speed up the inbound passing. 2) 3492C: Changed from 01 to 00 to unlock certain missing play-by-play sounds. Reminder that the original American and Japanese .VBs are the exact same. So... moved the U.S. v1.34 NBA2.VB and NBA4.VB files over to this game. Files affected: SLPS_001.99; NBA2.VB; NBA4.VB ----------------------------------------------------- Bugs and Minor Issues Not Found in the Original Game: ----------------------------------------------------- 1) Sometimes pixels will not display properly for custom heads in Big Head mode. Example: When the home team is inbounding, the visitor player at the top of the screen may have a more square-like head than the actual sprite should be displaying. 2) When resorting the campaign ladder, when it appears in attract mode, it will not stop at the last team. Rather, it will continue to roll, despite having run through all teams. Just press X to move to the next screen, or press Start to begin play. 3) The act of replacing sound clips in the game may cause it to randomly play a voice clip when selecting players on the substitution screen. (Actually, this may be a bug in the original game.) ===================================== How to Patch NBA Jam T.E. for PSX Step-by-Step instructions by Double Z ===================================== Step 1 (Using CDMage): Let's assume your ISO is a bin (or multiple bins) and a cue file. Open the .cue file using CDMage. (File > Open) If you want to combine a multiple bin game into one bin, in CDMage, select the .cue file at the top of the file structure in the left panel of the GUI. Go to File > Save As... > Save > OK. Remember where you saved your file! (This might be an optional step, in case you need a one-bin file such as to convert to .pbp and play on a Raspberry Pi.) (CDMage will merge the multiple bins into one, leaving you with a single bin and a cue file.) (Because I created this Double Z Mod using one bin, it may be best to perform this step.) Step 2 (Using PPF-O-Matic v3.0): In the ISO File field, open a copy of you original .bin file. In the Patch field, select your patch. Press Apply. WARNING: The file you select will be patched, so be sure to take a copy of the original file before patching. Step 3 (Using your favorite emulator): Play your patched game! ========================================= BONUS How to Create PSX Patches Another Step-By-Step Tutorial by Double Z ========================================= Step 1 (Using PPF - Studio v1.01b) Use the General tab for ease. In the PPF File (Output) field, select a folder and name a file in that folder with a .ppf extension. In the Original File field, select the original bin. In the Patched File field, select the bin that you have hacked. (This is part of the reason I originally used CDMage to make one bin.) Press Create PPF-Patch. Wait. Your patch will be the .ppf extension file in the folder you had selected for PPF File (Output). ========================================== BONUS How to Convert BINs to PBPs One More Step-By-Step Tutorial by Double Z ========================================== Step 1 (Using Google): Find and download PSX2PSP v1.4.2. Step 2 (Using PSX2PSP v1.4.2): Under ISO/PBP File:, find and select the .bin to be converted. Under Output PBP folder:, select a folder to output the PBP file. Note: You cannot have multiple bins, only one consolidated one. Press Convert. Wait. Try out your new PBP file in your favorite emulator.