Starting this post off with a massive THANK YOU to everyone here. The community you've created, the tools you've made, and all the people here are just awesome. FFT is one of my all time favorite games, and I never thought I would be able to create my own mod for a game like this. You are all the best people. Alright, so what madness have I let loose? This has been a project I've been working on over the past few weeks, and it's my goal to share it with others to hopefully enjoy, and maybe offer me some suggestions/feedback so I can continue improving. This does not alter the story. This focuses on overhauling many of the Jobs in the game. Some abilities have been shifted, previously unavailable abilities are available, new abilities are added, and some changes made to the items and equipment in the game. High Level Changes ASM's used: - Unit Bench ASM - No Zodiac Compatibiliy - Deep Dungeon Fully Lit* *When a unit crystalizes, the lights go out, and stay in perma-dark. I'm not sure what's causing this just yet. Move/Find Item Change: The Common and Rare item are the same. I can appreciate trying to give a reason for someone to have low Brave, but there's always a 1/10 chance of getting the crap item, and that almost always means reset and go again. It was more tedious than fun to me. Job Levels of each class have been doubled past Level 1. The goal was to give enemy units more JP to have abilities, making them more challenging. Job Level Requirements have been more streamlined, with most classes having a linear progression to unlock. Some hybrid/special classes require a bit more to unlock. Squire/Chemist - Available at Start Knight/Archer/Monk - Level 3 Squire Black Mage/White Mage - Level 3 Chemist Lancer - Level 4 Knight Thief - Level 4 Archer Summoner - Level 4 Black Mage Purple Mage - Level 4 White Mage Green Mage - Level 4 White Mage Samurai - Level 4 Lancer, Level 4 Green Mage Ninja - Level 4 Thief, Level 5 Monk Geomancer - Level 3 Monk, Level 3 Black Mage Mediator - Level 4 Squire, Level 4 Chemist Primal Mage - Level 4 Black Mage, Level 6 Summoner Calculator - Level 6 Mediator, Level 4 Geomancer, Level 4 Samurai Generic Job Changes All Jobs have Equip Change and Defend. New abilities are colored Red. Squire Squires are the Basic Physical Class with no real defining characteristics. They provide very rudimentary physical abilities that can be useful in the short term, but become quickly outclassed as the game progresses. Act - Fundamentals Wish Dash Throw Stone Heal Reaction Counter Tackle Caution Support Equip Axe Gained JP Up Movement Move Get JP Move +1 Chemist Chemists function as an instant (but less effective) healer than Priests. Cleansing items have been consolidated to Body/Mind Purifier to simplify their loadout. Act - Item Potion Hi Potion X Potion Elixir Body Purifier Mind Purifier Holy Water Phoenix Feather Reaction Auto Potion Support Throw Item Maintenance Movement Jump +1 Knight Knights are a front line physical damage class. They can wear the strongest armor and shields for protection, and they can use powerful sword techniques to attack nearby enemies. They can also buff themselves to be more effective in combat. Act - Arts of War Accumulate Yell (now only self target) Magic Break Mighty Strike (Higher damage attack, costs MP) Crushing Blow (Stronger version of Mighty Strike) Assault Arc (three target Cleave, costs MP) Grand Cleave (stronger version of Assault Arc) Shock! Reaction Counter Weapon Guard A Save Support Equip Sword Equip Shield Equip Armor Movement - Empty Archer Archers have a new set of skills: Cripple. Their skills now focus on physical debilitations instead of charging attacks. Archers have Innate Secret Hunt Act - Cripple Speed Break Power Break Mind Break Leg Aim Arm Aim Reaction Speed Save Arrow Guard Support Equip Crossbow Secret Hunt Concentrate Movement Jump +2 Monk Monks no longer have their HP/Status restoring abilities, but have increased Movement and Evasion, and have access to more attacks. Their Martial Arts attacks now deal Earth or Wind damage. Act - Martial Arts Spin Fist Repeating Fist Wave Fist Earth Slash Secret Fist Mimic Titan Hurricane Reaction Abandon Hamedo Support Martial Arts Movement Move +2 White Mage White Mages now have exclusive* (except Summons) domain over all healing/restorative magics. They also gain the ability to restore MP to their target. Spell range increased to 7. Act - White Magic Cure Cura Curaga Raise Arise Reraise Regen Esuna Refresh (Restores MP) Refresha (Restores more MP) Refreshaga (Restores most MP) Reaction Regenerator HP Restore Distribute Support - Empty Movement Move HP Up Black Mage Black Mages deal exclusively in attack magic. All their spells do direct damage to the enemy. They have access to the first two levels of Black Magic. Spell range increased to 7 squares. Level 1 only hits target square, Level 2 hits 1 adjacent. Act - Black Magic Fire Fira Bolt Bolta Blizzard Blizzara Aero Aera Stone Stonara Aqua Aquara Reaction Counter Magic Support - Empty Movement Move MP Up Green Mage Green Mages have the ability to buff their party with various parameter increases to make them more effective in combat. Spell range increased to 7 squares. Act - Green Magic Haste Hastega Protect Protectga Shell Shellga Float Reflect Quick Reaction Critical Quick MP Switch Support - Empty Movement Float Purple Mage Purple Mages have domain over debuffing enemies. They have no direct damage, but they can apply nearly all debuffs to their targets. Spell range increased to 7. Act - Purple Magic Blind Slow Slowga Zombie Silence Song Blind Rage Stop Confusion Song Dispel Magic Poison Sleep Frog Death Reaction Absorb Used MP Support Defense Up Movement Any Weather Summoner Summoners are already unique in their skill loadout, only change made was to add MA Save to Reaction abilities. Thief Thieves already have a unique skillset, changes made add Move +3 and Move/Find Item to Movement abilities. Caution was moved to Squire Mediator Mediators don't really fall into a Physical or Magical damage archetype, instead being a support class capable of manipulating Brave/Faith levels. Debuffs are the domain of Purple mages, so they can no longer Berserk/Sleep enemies. Success rate of increasing Brave/Faith increased to 100%. Act - Talk Skill Invitation Praise Threaten Preach Solution Reaction Finger Guard Brave Up Face Up Support Equip Gun Train Monster Talk Movement - Empty Geomancer Act - Elemental Abilities range increased to 6 squares, but no longer has AoE. Damage slightly increased. Reaction Counter Flood Support Attack Up Magic Attack Up Movement Any Ground Move on Lava Lancer Lancers gain Innate Ignore Elevation. Their skillset is already well siloed. No other changes made. Samurai Same as Lancer, Samurai are already siloed in what they do. No changes made. Ninja Act - No changes Reaction Sunken State Catch Support - No changes Movement Move in Water Jump +3 Primal Mage The Primal Mage casts the strongest Black Magic - level 3 of each element (radius increased to 2 squares) along with the big spells - Flare, Meteor, Dark Holy, Holy, Tornado, Melt, etc.. JP costs of spells are reduced, due to the player having to go through Black Mage and Summoner to unlock. Act - Primal Magic Firaga Boltaga Blizzaga Aeraga Stonaga Aquaga Flare Meteor Tornado Melt Holy Quake Dark Holy Reaction MP Restore Damage Split Support Short Charge Movement - Empty Special Class Changes [spoiler=Expand to see Special Jobs] All special classes share Reaction/Support/Movement abilities with base squire. Many special characters come with a secondary job unlocked. Ramza Chapter 1 Job renamed to "Noble" - Same abilities as Squire Chapter 2/3/4 Job renamed to "Outcast" Act - Same abilities as Squire Night Sword (Learn from Gaffgarion) Dark Sword (Learn from Gaffgarion) Split Punch (Learned from Wiegraf at Riovanes) Chapter 4 Skillset renamed to "Heroics" - No longer has Squire abilities Act Night Sword (purchasable with JP if not learned earlier) Dark Sword (purchasable with JP if not learned earlier) Split Punch (purchasable with JP if not learned earlier) Judgment Strike - melee range Holy attack Revive - Full restore, 100% chance of success. High MP cost. Recruit - Better version of Invitation Rad New Job - Infiltrator. Similar to Thief for stat/equip progression. Can use Spears, innate Ignore Elevation and Move/Find. Rad is the ultimate Treasure Hunter, as he has full range of movement over the map, and he can pass by unhindered by enemies. Thief job unlocked Act - Sneak Float Shadowmeld - grant self Transparent status Disorienting Blast - reset CT of target Nerve Strike - add "Stop" to target Gamble Strike - extremely wide damage range, chance of knockback Alicia/Lavian New Job - Spellblade. Alicia and Lavian can cast elemental spells, but they split elements. They have less range/damage than Black Mages, but instant cast spells. They cannot wear robes/hats, so they have a more limited MP pool, but their MP growth is increased to help compensate. Their level 1 spell blade attacks are melee range. Level 2 has a 2 square reach, and level 3 has a 4 square reach. No AoE on their abilities. Their abilities scale on MA. Alicia - Purple Mage unlocked Lavian - Green Mage unlocked Act - Magic Blade Frozen Slice Glacial Blast Ice Age Earthen Slam Rockslide Gaia's Might Tidal Impact Tsunami Crash Unfathomable Depths Lavian Blazing Strike Blistering Inferno Mighty Conflagration Crackling Blast Blitz Judgment Shattered Sky Winds of Fury Hurricane Slash Tempest Break Mustadio Mustadio can use Ancient Technology to provide buffs to the party, and provide healing/support. He no longer has Sniping abilities, as Archers now have that skillset. Archer job unlocked Act - Ancient Tech Ancient Plating - add Protect, 1 square range, 100% Ancient Barrier - add Shell, 1 square range, 100% Refraction Device - add Reflect, 1 square range, 100% Time Dilation Device - add Haste, 1 square range, 100% Vitality Injector - restores 50% HP, target must be in Critical status Vaccine - functions as Body Purifier Stimulant - functions as Mind Purifier Agrias Agrias has the "Paladin" archetype, so her job has been renamed to match. All sword skills cost MP. No job unlocked Act Stasis Sword Crush Punch Lightning Stab Holy Explosion Purify (Stigma Magic) Seal Evil Holy Cid Select this character to add Easy Mode to your battles. All sword skills cost MP. Rafa/Malak Rafa - Ninja job unlocked, innate Dual Wield Malak - Samurai job unlocked, Innate Equip Katana and 2 Hands Act - Abilities increased to five squares, no AoE. Each ability has a chance to hit twice. - All damage coefficients/JP costs normalized for all abilities. - Ice element added to Space Storage to cover all elements, Sleep debuff removed. Meliadoul Equip Breaking has been removed. While an interesting mechanic, it can be very frustrating for unique gear to be lost. Meliadoul's sword skills now function as other sword skills. All sword skills cost MP. Geomancer Job unlocked. Act Shellbust Stab - 6 Square range, lowest damage ability Blastar Punch - 5 Square range, moderate damage Hellcry Punch - 4 Square range, higher damage Icewolf Bite - 3 Square range, highest damage Beowulf Beowulf's abilities now have a much higher chance of success than Purple Mages. No job unlocked Reis Reis loses her abilities that affect Dragons only, gaining the Brave/Faith abilities of Mediators. No job unlocked. Act Ice Bracelet Fire Bracelet Thunder Bracelet Holy Bracelet Dark Whisper Bolster - Raise PA/MA/Speed of target Praise Threaten Preach Solution Worker 8 No changes made Cloud Reduced CT of Limit Breaks Joins at Party Level Summoner Job unlocked New Items Mind Purifier - Cleanses mental status debilitations: Confusion, Berserk, Charm, Silence Body Purfier - Cleanses physical status debilitations: Petrify, Darkness, Oil, Frog, Poison, Sleep There are 7 items that remove status ailments, most of which are quickly overtaken once Remedy is available. These two items are for sale at the start of the game, albeit at a higher price. Undead and Blood Suck still require Holy Water. Phoenix Down renamed to Phoenix Feather (I like the name more) New Equipment Items have been repurposed for these new items. Monsters that had the original item from Poaching have been updated. Durendal Knight Sword 16 WP +6 MA Evade: 25 Alicia/Lavian weapon Acquisition - Steal from Vormav during Muronde fight - Deep Dungeon Move/Find Tyrfing Knight Sword 16 WP +3 MA Deals MP damage and Absorbs MP. Does not deal Physical damage Alicia/Lavian weapon Acquisition - Steal from Rofel during Muronde fight - Deep Dungeon Move/Find Fomalhaut Gun 10 WP (100 damage) Acquisition - Steal from Balk in Bed Desert fight (Dual Wields) - Germinas Peak rare encounter (Stone Gun removed) - Deep Dungeon enemies Ras Algethi Gun 12 WP (144 Damage) Aquisition - Steal from Mediators at Muronde Entrance battle (2) - Steal from Balk during finale (Dual Wields) Gandiva Crossbow 8 WP Range: 5 Dual Wield Acquisition - Deep Dungeon Move/Find Vijaya Crossbow 8 WP Range: 5 Dual Wield Acquisition - Deep Dungeon Move/Find Encyclopedia Book 8 WP Evade: 25 +1 PA, MA, Speed, Move, Jump Acquisition - Deep Dungeon Move/Find Staff of the Magi Staff 2 WP Evade: 5 Strengthen ALL elemental damage Vulnerable to ALL elemental damage +4 MA Immune: Silence Forced 2 Hands Acquisition - Deep Dungeon Move/Find Earthshaker Monk Weapon 12 WP Evade: 25 Strengthen Earth and Wind +3 MA Immune to Stop, Don't Move, Don't Act Acquistition - Deep Dungeon Move/Find Anelace Dagger 15 WP +2 Speed Add: Stop Evade: 20 Acquisition - Deep Dungeon Move/Find - Deep Dungeon Enemies Gramr Sword 35 WP Forced 2 Hands Evade: 0 Permanent: Slow Immune: Haste Aquisition - Nelveska Temple Move/Find (replace Nagrarock) - Deep Dungeon enemies Equipment Changes Jump Boots - Increased to +3 Pole Weapons - Forced 2 Hands Mace of Zeus - Innate Protect Sage Staff - Innate Shell Spell Edge - +1 MA, no longer adds Don't Act Sasuke Knife - Add: Don't Act Muramasa - +1 MA Masamune - +2 MA Genji Helmet: +20 MP Genji Armor: +25 MP Genji Shield: Evade: 40% P, 40% M Maximilian: +40 MP Robe of Lords: +120 MP, +2 MA Grand Helmet: +15 MP Kaiser Plate: Evade: 60% P, 30% M, +1 PA Venetian Shield: Evade: 20% P, 50% M, Half all elemental damage ENTD Changes Many story battles have had tweaks made to them. - Some enemy units have new jobs - Most enemy units now have set secondary Jobs Bosses Bosses/Minibosses in the game have been buffed. Some now have ??? stats, all have had changes to their equipment/skills/abilities. Algus Archer Primary skillset, Geomancer Secondary Reaction: A Save (Brave increased) Movement: +2 Backup units have more diverse secondary jobs Gafgarion Item Secondary skillset Reaction: Counter Support: Concentrate Movement: +1 (Golgorond Execution Site) Movement: +2 (Lionel Castle Entrance) Queklain HP Increased MA Increased Reaction: MA Save (Brave Increased) Movement: Move HP Up Now casts level three Black Magic Weak to Holy Zalmo Gains Holy and Dispel Magic Innate Short Charge Immune to Silence Backup Units given secondary jobs Izlude Innate Attack Up, Defense Up, Magic Defense Up Backup units given secondary jobs Wiegraf Movement: +2 Backup units given secondary jobs Wiegraf (Duel) Uses Split Punch (Ramza can learn) Movement: +2 Velius HP Increased Reaction: MA Save (Brave Increased) Zalmo 2 Reaction: HP Restore (Brave Increased) Support: Magic Defend Up Movement: +2 Backup units given secondary jobs Balk Dual Wields Fomalhauts Cripple Skillset Reaction: HP Restore Backup units given secondary jobs Zalera Reaction: Speed Save (Brave Increased) Movement: +2 Immune to Silence Dycedarg ??? Stats Movement: +2 Adramelk Reaction: MA Save (Brave Increased) Movement: +2 HP Increased Immune to Silence Temple Knight Fight at Muronde Vormav equipped with Durendal Rofel equipped with Tyrfing Kletien equipped with Faith Rod Kletien has Short Charge Orbonne Fights Rofel Black Mages changed to Primal Mages backup units given secondary jobs Rofel has Tyrfing equipped Rofel can cast Bio Balk 2 Reaction: Hamedo Ras Algethi x2 equipped Hashmalum Reaction: MP Switch (Brave Increased) Movement: Move MP Up Innate Non-Charge HP Increased Ultima HP Increased Monster Changes Monster Units have received various updates, with various Reaction abilities, and new elemental affinities. Chocobo Reaction: Speed Save Cancel Earth Damage Black Chocobo: Half Wind Damage Goblin Move/Jump increased to 4 Red: Absorb Fire Black: Absorb Wind Gobbledeguck: Absorb Earth Gobbledeguck Reaction: Hamedo Bomb Move/Jump increased to 4 Reaction: Critical Quick Explosive: Innate Ignore Height Panthers Movement increased to 5 Reaction: Speed Save Negate Wind Damage Squids Move/Jump increased to 4 Reaction: Counter Flood Negate Earth Damage Skeletons Move/Jump increased to 4 Negate Earth/Ice damage Now Teleports Ghosts Reaction: Damage Split Negate Earth/Ice damage Flying Eyes Reaction: Critical Quick Absorb Dark and Fire Birds Reaction: Critical Quick Teddy Bears - No changes made Trees Move/Jump increased to 4 Reaction: Reflect Negate Wind Damage Minotaurs Move increased to 5, Jump increased to 4 MA/MP Growth increased Reaction: MP Switch Movement: MP Up Absorb Earth Half Wind Malboros Movement increased to 4 Reaction: Regenerator Negate Lightning damage Behemoth Movement increased to 5 Reaction: Meatbone Slash Half ALL elemental damage Dragon: Reaction: MA Save Movement: HP Up Green Dragon: Absorb Lightning, Weak Earth, half all other Blue Dragon: Absorb Ice, Weak Fire, half all other Red Dragon: Absorb Fire, Weak Ice, half all other Hydra Movement increased to 5 Absorb Fire/Lightning Weak Ice/Wind Half all other elemental damage Deep Dungeon All Deep Dungeon encounters have been changed. Each floor now has: - A Poaching encounter. 4 Monster types, of which at least one will always spawn, and up to 4 of each type can spawn. Different monsters spawn on each floor. - An Acquisition Encounter. Enemies in this fight will have powerful equipment that cannot be bought, allowing players to farm up end game gear (Steal/Invite/Treasure Chest). Gear that drops in Deep Dungeon cannot be acquired until it could be found via Move/Find. - Two "Boss" Encounters. These fights involve bosses fought earlier in the game in new combinations. Some new bosses can also be encountered. - Enemy levels are significantly increased compared to party. Move/Find Item Changes Elixirs are no longer findable, replaced by new items. Nogias - Defender, Glacier Gun, Blaze Gun, Blast Gun Terminate - Earthshaker, Save the Queen, Blood Sword, Holy Lance Delta - Tyrfing, Yoichi Bow, Mace of Zeus, Encyclopedia Valkyries - Faith Rod, Kaiser Plate, Venetian Shield, Gandiva Mlapan - Anelace, Iga Knife, Koga Knife, Dragon Whisker Tiger - Cursed Ring, Secret Clothes, Durendal, Vijaya Bridge - Cachusha, Sage Staff, Excalibur, Barrette Voyage - Ras Algethi, Ragnarok, Robe of Lords, Perseus Bow Horror - Staff of the Magi, Maximilian, Grand Helmet, Vanish Mantle End - Stone Gun, Chirijiraden, Chaos Blade, Ribbon Poaching Encounters Nogias - Black Chocobo, Ahriman, Juravis, Hyudra Terminate - Bull Demon, Pisco Demon, Woodman, Behemoth Delta - Bone Snatch, Living Bone, Gust, Revnant Valkyries - Dragon, Minitaurus, Gobbledeguck, Grenade Mlapan - Red Chocobo, Hydra, Flotiball, Steel Hawk Tiger - Sacred, Uribo, King Behemoth, Vampire Bridge - Plague, Cocatoris, Squidlarkin, Ochu Voyage - Tiamat, Mindflare, Porky, Taiju Horror - Blue Dragon, Morbol, Trent, Explosive End - Red Dragon, Dark Behemoth, Great Morbol, Wildbow Acquisition Encounters Nogias Knight with Masamune and Genji Equipment Two Samurai with Kikuichimonji and Crystal Gear Two Black Mages Two Time Mages Terminate Three Engineers: Blaze, Glacier, Blast Guns equipped (1 to each) 3 Chemists with Fomalhauts Delta Primal Mage with Dragon Rod Three Black Mages - one with Zeus Mace One White Mage with Sage Staff One Thief with Zorlin Shape Valkyries Lancer with Holy Lance Lancer with Dragon Whisker Lancer with Kaiser Plate Lancer with Venetian Shield Additional Lancers Mlapan Ninja with Setiemson Knight with Salty Rage White Mage with Chantage Monk with Cherche Additional backup units Tiger Knight with Defender Knight with Save the Queen Additional Knights Two Geomancers Two Green Mages Two White Mages Bridge Archer with Ultimus Bow Archer with Yoichi Bow Additional Archers Two Summoners Two Samurai Voyage Ninja with Sasuke Knives Ninja with Iga Knives Ninja with Koga Knives Additional Ninjas Three Purple Mages Two Summoners Horror Two Knights with Gramr and Cursed Rings Additional Knights Purple Mage with Whale Whisker Primal Mage Summoner End Primal Mage with Ribbon Black Mage with Cachusha Purple Mage with Barrette Green Mage with Robe of Lords Additional backup units Boss Fights All boss units in these encounters are flagged as Immortal and have ??? stats. Nogias 1 Elmdore Algus 3 Ultima Demons 3 Archaic Demons Nogias 2 Gafgarioff Lafgarion Sadgarion Madgarion Badgarion I made this fight because it made me laugh. Terminate 1 Balk x2 Mustadio x2 Archer Backup Terminate 2 Zalmo Dracleau Two Black Mages Two Purple Mages Delta 1 Workers x4 Delta 2 Wiegraf (White Knight version) Miluda (Knight Blade) Gustav (Dark Knight) Golgaros (Divine Knight) Valkyries Dycedarg Zalbag Alma Additional Knights Valkyries 2 Agrias Alicia Lavian Additional Spell Blades Mlapan 1 Larg - Holy Swordsman Goltana - Holy Swordsman Two Primal Mages Two Summoners Mlapan 2 Delita Ovelia Additional Knights Additional White Mages Tiger 1 Rofel Kletien Wiegraf (Temple Knight) Three Ultima Demons Tiger 2 Queklain Other Zodiac bosses have a random chance to appear All bosses have 'human' sprite Bridge 1 Funeral Simon Two Primal Mages Two Green Mages Bridge 2 Velius Other Zodiac bosses have a random chance to appear All bosses have 'human' sprite Voyage 1 Rafa Malak Three Ninjas Three Summoners Voyage 2 Zalera Other Zodiac bosses have a random chance to appear All bosses have 'human' sprite Horror 1 Vormav Meliadoul Izlude Three Ultima Demons Horror 2 Adramelk Other Zodiac bosses have a random chance to appear All bosses have 'human' sprite End 1 Beowulf Reis One of each Dragon One of each Hydra End 2 Hashmalum Other Zodiac bosses have a random chance to appear All bosses have 'human' sprite ------ I still consider this as Beta, because I'm still making tweaks. Having extra eyes on it can be helpful, but the main thing here is for people to have fun with a (hopefully) fresh experience in the game. What I'm still working on: Tweaking Deep Dungeon boss encounters: I haven't been able to fully test these, and I'm still weighing my options on the fights. Maybe give classes some special job classes so they have more abilities. I'm also not fully sold on the zodiac refights, as those might be a bit too much. I've noticed some AI problems with Refresh. Enemy units have sometimes targeted my units with the MP restoring ability. That's definitely not what I want. New ability animations: I believe most of these have been updated, but there may still be some where the animation doesn't make sense. TacText: I'm still going through all the various fields to make sure they are updated for my mod. ------ If you managed to get through all of I'm impressed. If you do end up giving this a shot, I hope you have fun, and please let me know what you think! If you have any feedback on changes, I'm very open to it. I would request you please include some reasoning behind any suggestions.