Zippy Race Sega SG-1000 to MSX conversion patch Zippy Race (aka Traverse USA) (C) 1983 Irem Sega SG-1000 port (C) 1983 Sega MSX conversion 23-01-07 by hap, == USAGE == * Use your favourite IPS tool to patch the ROM dump with "ZIP2MSX.IPS" (it's called "Zippy Race (SG-1000) [!].sg" in GoodSMS, CRC32:BC5D20DF), * optionally rename the game file extension to the standard used by MSX (.ROM), * run the game on your MSX or MSX emulator with at least 64KB RAM, have fun! Controls: Keyboard: LEFT/RIGHT to steer, SPACE to drive, GRAPH to brake. Joystick: LEFT/RIGHT to steer, TRG A to drive. TRG B to brake. (port 1) On MSX2 or higher, hold down SELECT during boot to prevent 60hz mode, and/or hold down BACKSPACE to prevent the palette from being changed. == NOTES == The goal of this project was to get me a bit into Z80 ASM, this basically was my first Z80 programming experience, I'm satisfied it succeeded. I've included most of the source code (*.asm files) for the ones who are interested. The rest of it was too messy to deserve inclusion :p The result has been tested thoroughly on my (t)rusty old MSX2, it should work fine for everybody.