Cheat Menu Hack for Battle Ace (SGX) ------------------------------------ By Chris Covell A quick explanation: Battle Ace has a SITUATION (cheat) menu built-in, but all the options, except for lives, have been removed. This hack adds those options back in. There's no way to put these options back in the original Hu-Card of Battle Ace. 1) Patch your SGX ROM of Battle Ace.pce using a good IPS tool. ***NOTE*** that your original ROM mustn't have any header (ie: its file size is exactly 524288 bytes.) 2) Play the game in a good emulator (with SGX mode enabled) or on a flash card. At the title screen of Battle Ace, press SELECT then RUN. You may now cheat! If you would rather just do a RAM hack, then RAM location $4E1E set to 1 enables Non-Death mode.