Sonic 2: Sweet Relief Credits: Ambil, Hivebrain, SGR, MK, Rolken, Glitch, Ravenfreak ==Features== *3-digit ring counter. No more getting 100 rings and going back to zero. Getting hurt and ring bonus are fully functional. *2-digit life counter (thanks Ravenfreak). Originally the game allowed you to have more than 9 lives, but only displayed a "9". Now it works with two digits. *10-ring monitors now give you an extra life if you have 90-99 rings when getting them. In the original game, they didn't. *Arrow monitor. Same as in Sonic 1, records your position and time and places you back there if you lose a life. *More rings in boss areas! ==Ring Count in Boss Areas== *Underground Zone act 3: 42 rings and a 10-ring box *Sky High Zone act 3: 24 rings *Aqua Lake Zone act 3: 48 rings and an invincibility monitor *Green Hills Zone act 3: 49 rings and an arrow monitor, also changed the layout so that fall in spikes pit doesn't mean sure death *Gimmick Mt. Zone act 3: 18 rings *Scrambled Egg Zone act 3: 20 rings *Crystal Egg Zone act 3: View it yourself!