Phantasy Star Makeover October 2021 by Vikfield This hack redesings a lot of sprites of Phantasy Star, mostly buildings in the hi-tech towns; it switch the church in to a "clinic" an changes the name of some buildings, and also, include the Phantasy Star CSI v1.2 hack. All the art in this hack is inspired by the PlayStation 2 Phantasy Star Generation 1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Version 1.0 improvements: - New sprites for buildings and NPCs - Change the church for a clinic - Change some buildings name (only UE version) - Includes the Phantasy Star CSI v1.2 - Contains a patch for UE and Japon respectively - There is a small surprise, but first, you need buy supplies - Compatible with other Phantasy Star hacks!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- How to Install: In the zip file you will find the patch with the most recent version of Phantasy Star Makeover (EU and Japan), Just choose the version you want to play and with the help of the Lunar IPS program, install it in your backup copy of Phantasy Star. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to: Red Soul, darthvaderx, boff, jmd6488, Pethronos and of course, YOU; for your continuous interest and support. Muchas gracias!!!