Version 1.0 ----------- 1. What does the patch do? 2. Application instructions. 3. Known issues. 4. Contact. 1. What does this patch do? _________________________ I'm not sure how to properly describe it. It makes the game easier in one aspect, I suppose, but allows for more variety in another aspect. It's not meant to be "easy-mode". It changes all the playable leader's values to A across the board (charm, lead, war and politics) and changes their body points to 15/15, and age to 18. I know I'm removing some of the strategy involved, but I suppose this is more to make multiplayer experiences with the game fairer, opposed to making the game easier. When I play(ed) this with friends, we always chose separate parts of the world to start in, but I was horribly disadvantaged picking leaders like Frederick, while they chose Genghis Khan. Their first few turns would be spent recruiting and training an army, while I'd horribly be trying to procreate to preserve my bloodline in case I was attacked by my twenty neighbours, or died of old age. At least now, you can jump right into playing whoever and stand a chance by picking someone other than Genghis Khan himself. Note that the leaders values aren't carried over between scenarios - so for example, Philip II (playable) in scenario 2 has A/A/A/A, 18 age and 15/15 body points, but Phillip II (non-playable, scenario 4) maintains his original stats. I did this intentionally to avoid having so many perfect generals/leaders per scenario floating around. Changed leaders: Mongol Conquest: 1 - Temujin 6 - Jamuga 7 - Togorul Khan 14 - Tayan Khan Genghis Khan: 1 - Genghis Khan 11 - Minamoto 20 - Ala al-Din 21 - Ghuri 31 - John I 32 - Phillip II Vuan Dynasty: 5 - Kublai Khan 11 - Hojo 15 - Abaga 18 - Baybars 25 - Michael VIII 30 - Charles I World Conquest: 1 - Genghis Khan 11 - Minamoto 16 - Salah al-Din (Not like this dude needed much change.) 25 - Isaacius II (He thanks me, though.) 29 - Frederick I 31 - Richard I No other leaders/generals/children were altered. 2. Application instructions. ____________________________ Make sure the patch and ROM are titled the same. The ROM should be NTSC (U), have a header, and if you check under properties have a size of 1,049,088 bytes (unzipped/uncompressed). Not tested on an unheadered ROM. 3. Known issues. ________________ None yet. 4. Contact. ___________ I can be reached at Or on Twitter: