Thank you for downloading "Marios 2 Ways 2 Victory". Have fun. In this hack you might find a few sprites or objects that were modified from the orginal ones. For example: Spinies and junpin' piranha plants cannot be killed by fireballs, porcu-puffer fishes are invincible, purple munchers will kill you if you touch them and so will do blue spikes and orage water; everything is explained in the game. Also, purple doors are reset doors, so don't enter them unless you get stuck. Finally, capes do not appear in this hack, not even through green switch palace blocks, those will give you mushrooms instead; if you somehow manage to get a cape let me know so I can take it out. Fell free to report any errors you find in this hack. -aj6666 Credits: -Original game- Nintendo -Level and Overworld design- aj6666 -Tools- FuSoYa Spel Werdz Rite Januschan Smallhacker smkdan HuFlungDu -Blocks- Jimmy52905 -Patches- Mrcheeze Fakescaper Kphoenix -Music- Imamelia Nic Nac Bluemoon Troopa Buster Beetle Slash Man Counterfeit Jimmy52905 nipcen Red Chameleon Supertails Jascha S.N.N. Karatekid5 Tornado Masashi27 MidiGuy Moose AxemJinx Hadron -Beta testing- aj6666 Agent Q