thanks for tking the time to download my smw hack, mario and the island of mystery. i'll explain a couple things. in this game you have hearts. you can increase your health by finding an extra heart in certain levles too.mushrooms will restore your health. also remeber if you only have one heart. you will die if hit by an enemy regardless of powerup status.i hope you have fun and give me your opinion on my hack. music:s.n.n, mario90, midiguy, Opposable, Jimmy52905, fpi, gpetry, Red Chameleon, Kyoseron, Camerin Neede supertails, lucas, Lachesis, big al,J.J special thanks-mawwo7,KusTOM,PwNS81, sprites: Koyuki, maro!!!, Schwa, davros, carol, Dispari Scuro, edit1754, ICB, iceguy graphics: Dinomar,BilleMagic,Ripperon-X,Black Squirrel,TLMB,bke,Sonikku,X-King,Iceguy,NEONswift,Weeabuu,Raibys,The V