So Little Collab (SLC) Hack Author(s): MetroidMst Vismund Release Date: September 2nd ABOUT THE HACK: (As told by MetroidMst) SLC was made for a contest on Metroid Construction. (Summer Fun Contest) I originally was not going to make an entry for the contest, but after a late night "discussing" things with Vismund, we somehow decided it would be a good idea to try to make one together. That also gave birth to the name of the hack for obvious reasons. STORY: Being a bounty hunter, Samus keeps her ears out for potential work. Of course, anyone worth their salt knows of King Tut's treasure, but there are rumors that what was discovered was only a small portion. Having gathered some leads from a local Earth-bound Shaktool, Samus sets off for Egypt and the valley of the blazing Death Sun. After landing, she soon realizes it was dumb to trade both Varia and Gravity for this information. . . Of course, it would not be an ancient tomb without traps in it. Pharaoh's curse is not something to be trifled with, and soon the place is swarming with all manner of vicious beasts wanting to devour the soul of all intruders! The only real question is this; Will Samus blow up Earth too when she is finished? And really. . . Why would a Shaktool give Samus good information? She has been destroying the innocent creatures for two straight So Little hacks now. . . Is it all an elaborate trap? Or is the treasure real? CREDITS Level Design: MetroidMst Vismund Cygnus Tilesets: Super Mario Brothers 2 & 3 Vismund had to draw a bunch of shit in the end :( Sexy as a Blooming Cactus Palettes: Vismund Cygnus ASM: Crashtour99 (Double Jump) Quote58 (Angry Sun, Shy Guy, Shy Guy Boss, Boo, Being endlessly pestered by us noobs.) Black Falcon (Angry Sun, Flexglow, Explaining how easy Flexglow is.) JAM (Accel Charge, Being JAM) DSO (Tileset Repoint, Music, probably other stuff.) PJBoy (Helping MetroidMst getting the Plasma pickup palette correct) Person701 (HUD) Enemy GFX: MetroidMst Music: DSO (There is nothing Mother Tetris doesn't fit) Ideas: Late Nights Stupidity MetroidMst Vismund Cygnus Tutankhamun Some Cactus Beta Testers: Quote58 (You didn't really get to test much) Mon732 (Still an excellent tester) Black Falcon (At least we got you in here twice!) (Also known as sorry, life happened and you didn't really get to test it properly.) SMILE: Jathys Scyzer (thx for SMILE RF love Vismund)