A simple hack that makes it so your favorite amphibious knight can hold his own against the rest of the Chrono Trigger cast (excluding Marle) towards the end of the game. Changes - Version A & B: The Hero Medal now gives Frog's Masamune a 100% critical hit rate (changed from 50%) The Masamune has been given Crono's Shiva Edge 4x critical hit damage property Changed the item descriptions to reflect changes, I fixed the Bravesword's description as well which erroneously has 2x damage vs magical enemies when it actually has no special property. Version B only: Removes the 4x critical hit damage property from Crono's Shiva Edge and boosts its critical hit rate from 7% to 20% to match the Kali Blade in an attempt to make the new Masamune feel a little more unique. Changes the item description as well. Apply this patch to a headerless Chrone Trigger US rom.