Title: Ignore defense no longer ignoring Safe and Shell Author: Lenophis Version: v1.E Applies to: FF3us v1.0, v1.1 Tested on: FF3us v1.0 Contents: Ignore defense - header.ips Ignore defense - no header.ips Anti - Ignore - header.ips Anti - Ignore - no header.ips readme.txt defense orig.txt defense new.txt ROM addresses: C2/0CC9 - C2/0CCB C2/0CF4 - C2/0CFE C2/66A5 - C2/66CA Urgency: Low, I don't think it's a bug. But since this patch doesn't account for things that do set damage (items, Blow Fish, etc) it's hard to tell. I leave it for debate whether or not it's actually a bug. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Final Fantasy 7 started something that the rest of the series used, and is something that FF6 did support but for oddball reasons was not used. Real description: Any attack, be it physical or magical, if it ignored defense also bypassed Safe and Shell. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this patch does: Instead of completely blowing by all of the defense modification, it now checks if Safe or Shell is in effect for the target. Note: The anti patch effectively removes this patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates: 1.E - August 19, 2009 *insert Darth Vader "nooooooooo!" macro here* After consulting with everyone known to man, I believe that this time, it does not conflict with another patch. Hurrah! 1.D - May 31, 2009 *insert Darth Vader "nooooooooo!" macro here* Patch conflicted with Can't Win for Losing. Code moved, *again.* The next time this patch conflicts with anything I'll say "fuggit" and move the fix to C0. 1.C - May 30, 2009 Thanks to C. V. Reynolds for pointing out that this patch and "For What Ails Ya" conflicted with each other. And yet again, code is otherwise unchanged. :P Perhaps there will be no more updates to this patch? Maybe? Please? 1.B - January 18, 2008 Moved code, as it was conflicting with assassin's Alphabetical Rage patch. Code is otherwise unchanged. 1.A - Oy, I released v1.8 and v1.9 too quickly. The carry flag was now checked too late, and calculations would've still been thrown off. 1.9 - Added header/non-header patches. 1.8 - There was a possibility of the carry flag being tainted when it jumped back to the original code, thereby throwing off some calculations. Should be corrected now. :) 1.4 - Added row checks for physical attacks that ignored defense. Damage is reduced by 50% for targets in back row. v1.2 - Fixed a problem that would crash/cause problems if a target had safe/shell in effect, regardless if the attack ignored defense or not. v1.1 - Hmm, don't remember v1.0 - It never worked... :( -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Terii Senshi & assassin - For writing the C2 bank disassembly. Drakkhen - Thanks for the help with some of the logic.