Final Fantasy 5 Expert Version 0.947 Note: Please maximize window and set word wrap. Main Concept/Main Hacker: JCE3000GT E-mail: New Web Site: Note: Patch this on the GoodSNES renamed Final Fantasy V (J). ------------------- | P R O J E C T | ------------------- Project started August 2001 I wanted to do this hack...because I just wanted to. Known problems: Q - "Can I patch this over my translated FFV?" A - Yes you can. Since I didn't do any text changes it should be fine. You should always backup your ROM anyway. Q - "Well I looks like you did something to yer hair anyway." A - Here we go again... Supported: FF5 SFC Not supported: Anyother ROM or FF5 version New features added in Version 0.947: -Edited and Finalized most of the monster stats. -Finalized the character stats. What's next on the list: -Need feedback from you the players! Notes: -There will be no text or any game content edited in this hack or in the future. Bugs: -None...that I know of. Bugs fixed: -No bugs reported. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------- | P R O G R A M M E R ' S L O G | -------------------------------------- Version 0.19 - 0.946b ·Edited some monster stats. -Edited characters starting stats. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ Disclaimer: "Final Fantasy 5"(R) and all occurences of related context to their sotfwares are registered trademarks of Square Co., Ltd. The programmer of this patch is not affiliated with Square Co. and is not responsible for any loss or damage of material/sofware of the user. A "Patch" is not illegal. If you do not agree with this disclaimer, do not use this patch. ================================================================================ ================================================================================ ------------------------------ | I N S T R U C T I O N S | ------------------------------ Requirement: * IPS patcher. * FF5 ROM. * A emulatorand brain to play. * No cheating is recommended to recieve the full enjoyment of this patch. "How do I install FF5Xpert?" 1. Download an IPS patcher of choice. I recommend: IPSWin by ZeroSoft. You can find this program at 2. To ensure the patch is 100% installed correctly please use a NON patched ROM. ** W A R N I N G ** Do not email me for requests for the ROM or IPS patcher. You can find an IPS patcher on the if you look hard enuff. ================================================================================ -------------------------------------- | P R O G R E S S R E P O R T | -------------------------------------- Please email me with a progress report in this format (Copy Paste). Begin: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: eMail: Problem\Bug: Solutions you've tried: General comments: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End Also please send a copy of either the .srm or .zst file unzipped so I can examine it myself to better understand the problem. Also please feel free to send any Image.bmp files unzipped of the problem as well. Of if you are just gonna use this Progress Report for "close calls" "whoa look at that!" or my favorite "what the hell?!" please feel free to do so! When I get my site up and running again I'm going to dedicate a section for these pics. =) ================================================================================ ----------------------------------- | S P E C I A L T H A N K S | ----------------------------------- iLLuSioNiX: For teaching me basics in hex. (And long nites on ICQ) Thanks buddy! Xlom3000: For beta testing, and being a friend in need. Keep up the good work. =P Yousei: For the FF3ed with the FF3Info.txt that contains all the data I needed to get started. Kryten: For the other data I needed to fill some "gaps". And for his killer FF3 Windows project, you got my full support! Lord J: For his FF3h.exe srm editor...without it I'd would've gone insane. Also for FF3usME the absolutely perfect FF3 editor... And of course the support. Thanks buddy! cipher: For being there is my FF3usHT days. And beyond... =) Star: Also for contributing some data. Thanks Star. =) Square: For great looking RPGs in general. I wish they would of released the RS series, Treasure Hunter G, and of course SD3...I'll settle for playing my Carts... ================================================================================ ----------------------------------- | L I N K S | ----------------------------------- -My eMail: -, FF3usME's home! - Yes this is a plug so deal with it. - Home of anything about Emulation. - My favorite Emulator. - Another great Emulator. ================================================================================ 2001-2004 JCE3000GT-Soft a division of BlitzKrieg Innovations