Final Fantasy 3 (US/SNES), Final Fantasy 6 (JP/SFC), Final Fantasy 6 Advance (US,JP,EU/GBA) Stone Cold Bug Fix patch CONTENTS: FF3-StoneCold-H.ips: The fix patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to fix the Stone Cold Bug. FF3-StoneCold-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to revert all changes made by the previous patch. FF3-StoneCold-HC.ips: The "Carve Stone" addendum patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to add Imzogelmo's "Carve Stone" fix. FF3-StoneCold-HI.ips: The "Invert Damage if Undead" addendum patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to add Master ZED's "Invert Damage if Undead" fix. FF3-StoneCold-N.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to fix the Stone Cold Bug. FF3-StoneCold-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to revert all changes made by the previous patch. FF3-StoneCold-NC.ips: The "Carve Stone" addendum patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to add Imzogelmo's "Carve Stone" fix. FF3-StoneCold-NI.ips: The "Invert Damage if Undead" addendum patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to add Master ZED's "Invert Damage if Undead" fix. FF6-StoneCold-H.ips: The fix patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to fix the Stone Cold Bug. FF6-StoneCold-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to revert all changes made by the previous patch. FF6-StoneCold-HC.ips: The "Carve Stone" addendum patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to add Imzogelmo's "Carve Stone" fix. FF6-StoneCold-HI.ips: The "Invert Damage if Undead" addendum patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to add Master ZED's "Invert Damage if Undead" fix. FF6-StoneCold-N.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to fix the Stone Cold Bug. FF6-StoneCold-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to revert all changes made by the previous patch. FF6-StoneCold-NC.ips: The "Carve Stone" addendum patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to add Imzogelmo's "Carve Stone" fix. FF6-StoneCold-NI.ips: The "Invert Damage if Undead" addendum patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to add Master ZED's "Invert Damage if Undead" fix. FF6A-StoneCold-U.ips: The fix patch for a US GBA ROM. Apply to fix the Stone Cold Bug. FF6A-StoneCold-UR.ips: The reverse patch for a US GBA ROM. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF6A-StoneCold-J.ips: The fix patch for a Japanese GBA ROM. Apply to fix the Stone Cold Bug. FF6A-StoneCold-JR.ips: The reverse patch for a Japanese GBA ROM. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF6A-StoneCold-E.ips: The fix patch for a European GBA ROM. Apply to fix the Stone Cold Bug. FF6A-StoneCold-ER.ips: The reverse patch for a European GBA ROM. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF6A-StoneCold-JUC.ips: The "Carve Stone" addendum patch for a US or Japanese GBA ROM. Apply to add Imzogelmo's "Carve Stone" fix. FF6A-StoneCold-JUCR.ips: The "Carve Stone" reverse patch for a US or Japanese GBA ROM. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF6A-StoneCold-JUI.ips: The "Invert Damage if Undead" addendum patch for a US or Japanese GBA ROM. Apply to add Master ZED's "Invert Damage if Undead" fix. FF6A-StoneCold-JUIR.ips: The "Invert Damage if Undead" reverse patch for a US or Japanese GBA ROM. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF6A-StoneCold-EC.ips: The "Carve Stone" addendum patch for a European GBA ROM. Apply to add Imzogelmo's "Carve Stone" fix. FF6A-StoneCold-ECR.ips: The "Carve Stone" reverse patch for a European GBA ROM. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF6A-StoneCold-EI.ips: The "Invert Damage if Undead" addendum patch for a European GBA ROM. Apply to add Master ZED's "Invert Damage if Undead" fix. FF6A-StoneCold-EIR.ips: The "Invert Damage if Undead" reverse patch for a European GBA ROM. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. readme.txt: This file. Stone Cold.asm: An assembly format index of code changes. Stone Cold.txt: A text format index of code changes. PATCH INFORMATION: SNES patches work on version 1.0 or 1.1. SFC patches work with RPGOne's translation version 1.2. AFFECTED AREAS: SNES: C2/0B84-C2/0C1D SFC: C2/0B7C-C2/0C15 GBA US/JP: 0807A85C-0807A8AF, 0807A902, 0807AA4E GBA EU: 0807AFA0-0807AFF3, 0807B046, 0807B192 PURPOSE: The Zombie and Petrify statuses are interesting. A Zombified character will always have 0 HP, but will remain live enough to attack monsters and/or party members. A Petrified character will be immune to any changes in HP (except by the Atma Weapon, but a patch to correct that exists). The Petrify status can be cured using a Soft or Remedy, but the Zombie status requires the unique item Revivify, which not only cures the status, but also recovers a small amount of HP to ensure it is not 0. However, if a Revivify is used on a character that is Zombified AND Petrified, no HP will be gained, meaning that once the Petrify status is removed, the character will be healthy, but will still have 0 HP. There are many ways a character can be alive with 0 HP; this is just one of them. However, this patch prevents this case from happening by preempting the Petrify check with a Revivify check that checks to see if a Revivify is being used on a Zombified character, and if so, creates a false negative for the Petrify check. This will not happen if a Revivify is used on a non-Zombified character, or with anything that does not cure Zombie status. Versions of this patch prior to 1.2 used free space in the SNES and SFC ROMs, but version 1.2 does not. However, the rewrite conflicts with Imzogelmo's "Carve Stone" fix patch and Master ZED's "Invert Damage if Undead" fix patch. Therefore, I've included addendum patches that include those fixes with this patch. In the SNES and SFC ROMs, it is required that you apply the addendum patch(es) after applying the standard fix patch; reapplying the standard fix patch or the reverse patch will remove both addendum patches. Conversely, for the GBA version, those addendum patches have also been included, but they are independent of the main fix. There are no physical or logical conflicts between those patches and there are no requirements on the order of application of any combination of those patches. In fact, the addendum patches correspond to fixes that were never even released for the GBA version by their original authors, so this is more like a courtesy toward those people. VERSION HISTORY: v1.3 (February 20, 2018): Fixed a bad branch that reportedly caused a crash. v1.2 (January 25, 2018): Rewrote patches to use no free space, and added GBA patches. v1.1 (May 9, 2015): Fixed a conflict with Assassin's "If the Force Overrunneth" patch. Thanks to Assassin for pointing this out. v1.0 (May 6, 2015): Initial release.