Final Fantasy 3 (US/SNES), Final Fantasy 6 (JP/SFC) Turn Around Glitch fix patch CONTENTS: FF3-TurnAround-H.ips: The fix patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to apply the Turn Around Glitch fix. FF3-TurnAround-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF3-TurnAround-N.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to apply the Turn Around Glitch fix. FF3-TurnAround-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF6-TurnAround-H.ips: The fix patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to apply the Turn Around Glitch fix. FF6-TurnAround-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF6-TurnAround-N.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to apply the Turn Around Glitch fix. FF6-TurnAround-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. readme.txt: This file. Turn Around.rtf: An index of the code changes. ALL PATCHES WORK ON VERSION 1.0 OR 1.1. URGENCY: None, unless you find a good use for the added codes. PURPOSE: When MagiMaster sneaks up behind the party atop the Fanatics Tower, the party is supposed to slowly turn around 180 degrees counterclockwise; this is coded with the expectation that the party is currently facing away from him. If they are facing toward him, they will actually turn away and then back again. If they are facing left, they will face right and then toward him. This patch ensures that the party wastes no time turning toward MagiMaster. VERSION HISTORY: v1.0 (May 17, 2016): Initial release.