Random Offering --------------- author: madsiur version: 1.2 date: 2016/04/28 Apply to FF3us 1.0 Files ----- randomofferingC2.asm: For implementation in bank $C2 randomofferingEE.asm: For implementation in bank $EE (or the bank of your choice) Apply with xkas 0.06 Command example: xkas randomofferingEE.asm romname.smc Space used ---------- randomofferingC2.asm: 30 bytes in bank $C2 randomofferingEE.asm: 30 bytes in bank $EE (or the bank of your choice) Bank $C2 and $EE implementations use by default respectively C2/6469 and $EE/AF01 as free space. Change the org offset (line 11) in the ASM file to move the code. Description ----------- This patch allows the Offering to strike between 1 and 4 hits. Because of the code structure, when paired to the Genji Glove, you will always make 2, 4, 6 or 8 strikes. You can change the percentages (CMP values in the code) for more balance if you want. Right now you got 75% of making 2 strike, 50% of making 3 and 25% of making 4. Example of custom odds (12.5%, 50%, 12.5% and 25%). Line 21 to 25 in ASM file: CMP #$20 ;12.5% will have branched at that point (32/256 = 12.5%) BCC exit CMP #$A0 ;62.5% will have branched at that point (0xA0 - 0x20 = 0x80 = 128/256 = 50%) BCC twoExtra CMP #$C0 ;75% will have branched at that point (0xC0 - 0xA0 = 0x20 = 32/256 = 12.5%) I also included an optional tweak that would disable half-damage from offering. This is an an attempt to make full damage compensate for the randomness of number of hits. I also included the code to re-enable half damage. See the end of the ASM file for details. If you got any question, you can send me a email at themadsiur@gmail.com.