Welcome to the Super Castlevania 4 Hard Mod. This is a complete level hack of the original game. Each level features new challenges and puzzles that will take time and out of the box thinking to overcome. This was a labor of love and hate. This is a great game for many reasons. The Art, Music, Ambiance, and mechanics are still some of the best on the SNES. My motivation was to make this game even more difficult and to have a fresh new challenge for people to sink their thumbs into. This is geared towards advanced techniques and even making glitches into interesting mechanics. The intended way to play this mod is to play it without save states. You start the game with 100 lives (99+your first life) and there are no continues. On game over you will be returned to 1-1. This change is to make checkpoints more valuable. The stage passwords are left in, so feel free to practice the later levels with them, but the real challenge is start to finish with the given life pool. This mod is very hard and you will need to use the following to complete it: Damage boosts -over pits -through spikes/enemies 4 tile jumps -can be hit moving or still -Simon can put his toes far over the edge and not fall off Ring glitch -easier than you think to learn -press jump and whip over a ring, holding whip press down right over the top -you can also just down whip over a ring but this is more difficult Whip upgrade specifics -long whip spawns after collecting 8 hearts -certain parts need long whip to progress, -It is possible to have it when it is needed For experienced/master players this is beatable For casual/novice players you should be able to make it through with save states and it will still be rewarding. You need to use xdelta to patch a US version of the game. -I used xdeltaUI to make the patch Thanks to RedGuy for the editor and life total hack, TLB, Furious Paul, JaySee for helping me playtest. And Konami for making one of the best games ever. This is meant to be free and never sold. The patch only contains my edits and nothing copyright. Please make sure you follow your local laws. I hope you like it, Drunken Draconian