----------------------------------------------- BREATH OF FIRE TEXT RELOCATOR MADE BY GEMINI (2016) ----------------------------------------------- This is a simple hack I created for the Italian translation of Breath of Fire. It includes a script that moves text data, text pointers, and dictionary data in an expanded area of the ROM. It consists of a script to be compiled with xkas plus. The script uses a few macros that you can change in order to resize the first bank of text, and split it evenly with the second main one. This is because text banks are internally treated as a big joined one, but you can split it as you need by changing the macro bank0_cnt in the script. The package comes with compile.bat, which will rebuild a file named bof.sfc with all the changes. Either rename a vanilla rom with that name or change compile.bat to whatever name you prefer. NOTE: despite the game being a Lo-Rom, text banks can still encode as full 64 KB blocks, like on Hi-Rom. This is because the game has internal hackish code that helps it cross bank boundaries. NOTE 2: The script will also expand the ROM to 2 full MB.