Title: Esper Battle Menu Fix Author: Lenophis Version: v1.0 Applies to: FF3us v1.0, v1.1 Tested on: FF3us v1.0 Contents: MP - header.ips MP - no header.ips Anti MP - header.ips Anti MP - no header.ips readme.txt ROM addresses: C2/E093 - C2/E095 Urgency: Low to none. Just an ommision on Square's part. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Ever notice something missing when you go to summon an Esper? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this patch does: Now when summoning an Esper, you'll see "MP" before the MP cost. You now know *what* the cost is. *suspense* The fix was simple (then again so was the bug). The game has a strange format it uses to draw menus in battle, and when the US team was porting it to the US, they forgot about the "MP" in the Esper menu when they were tweaking the font. 03 2C and 03 2F were changed to 03 8C 03 8F. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates: 1.0 - August 30, 2007 Initial version of patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Terii Senshi & assassin - For writing the C2 bank disassembly.