Chrono Trigger - In-game Loading Verson 1.0a By Shinrin A Tales of Fate Production THIS REQUIRES AN UNHEADER ROM. This hack gives all save points in the game the ability to Load a game while in game without having to do the special L + R + Start + Select command and waiting 5 seconds or so before hitting A to get to the load screen or getting off your butt and pressing reset on your SNES. This hack should work on the real deal, though not 100% sure. Anyway, if you play this hack and find a save spot that doesn't have this ability or you find a bug let me know. Contact me at the forums, Chrono Compendium forums or at Note: There are some save spots that are in Magus' Castle that are not really save points, these teleport you further into the castle. I also got the room where if you fall down in the 6 holes which leads you to a dangerous area with battles with save spots. There are 6 instances for save spots in the room and it changes with each hole you go in. ;) Alrighty, have fun. Bugs from last version: 2nd save point in the first dungeon didn't work right.