Final Fantasy 3 (US/SNES), Final Fantasy 6 (JP/SFC), Final Fantasy 6 Advance (US,JP,EU/GBA) Loud Music Bug fix patch CONTENTS: FF3-LoudMusic-H.ips: The fix patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to fix the Loud Music Bug. FF3-LoudMusic-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to revert all changes made by the previous patch. FF3-LoudMusic-N.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to fix the Loud Music Bug. FF3-LoudMusic-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to revert all changes made by the previous patch. FF6-LoudMusic-H.ips: The fix patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to fix the Loud Music Bug. FF6-LoudMusic-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SFC ROM file. Apply to revert all changes made by the previous patch. FF6-LoudMusic-N.ips: The fix patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to fix the Loud Music Bug. FF6-LoudMusic-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SFC ROM file. Apply to revert all changes made by the previous patch. FF6A-LoudMusic-A.ips: The fix patch for a GBA ROM file. Apply to fix the Loud Music Bug. FF6A-LoudMusic-AR.ips: The reverse patch for a GBA ROM file. Apply to revert all changes made by the previous patch. readme.txt: This file. URGENCY: Depends on your aural sensitivity. :) PURPOSE: In the Opera House, music is supposed to play quietly in the lobby and loud in the actual auditorium. However, due to a bug, when you enter the Opera House from the World Map, the music plays at full volume and does not quiet down unless you enter the theatre and then return to the lobby. This patch adds an event trigger to the entrance tile in the lobby, thus forcing the music to quiet down immediately. As a size-reducing side effect, this patch also removes an event trigger that shouldn't exist. It is located near the entrance to Kefka's Tower; there is a place where party 3 can stand and grab a hook that isn't there, in order to return to the airship. VERSION HISTORY: v1.0 (November 1, 2016): Initial release.