Final Fantasy 3 (US/SNES) Blitz Screen tweak patch CONTENTS: FF3-BlitzScreen-H.ips: The tweak patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to add Blitz names to the Blitz menu. FF3-BlitzScreen-HR.ips: The reverse patch for a headered SNES ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. FF3-BlitzScreen-N.ips: The tweak patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to add Blitz names to the Blitz menu. FF3-BlitzScreen-NR.ips: The reverse patch for a non-headered SNES ROM file. Apply to reverse all changes made by the previous patch. readme.txt: This file. Blitz Screen-New.rtf: A text format index of the new code. Blitz Screen-Old.rtf: A text format index of the old code. ALL PATCHES WORK ON VERSION 1.0 OR 1.1. URGENCY: None. PURPOSE: When you enter Sabin's Blitz menu, you can see the input codes and the descriptions of each Blitz, but the only way to see their names is to actually use them in battle. This patch adds the Blitz command names to the Blitz menu. VERSION HISTORY: v1.2 (February 7, 2017): Fixed another bug; this one caused certain items in the Blitz menu, either codes or names, to not be drawn sometimes. v1.1 (February 7, 2017): Fixed a bug that caused Blitz names and codes to alternate rows incorrectly. v1.0 (February 3, 2017): Initial release.