Patch Name: Megaman X Capsule Remix v3.0 Author: PowerPanda Released: March 2019 Patches created for: Mega Man X (USA) (Rev 1) Header: YES File SHA-1: 404F160BBB1A5E9D3E0BFD38EDAA448984040899 ROM SHA-1: C65216760BA99178100A10D98457CF11496C2097 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---===Description===--- Megaman X Capsule Remix is a collection of patches for Megaman X that work together to provide a streamlined experience for veterans of the series. It is a series of small changes that allow you to approach the game in a new way. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---====Individual Patch Details===--- -=mmxcapsuleremix.ips=- Compiled By: PowerPanda Contains all of the patches listed below -=hadouken.ips=- Created By: DarkSamus993, PowerPanda This patch will grant the Hadouken the 1st time you reach the end of Armored Armadillo's stage with all upgrades, weapons, and subtanks, rather than the 5th time. In addition, two upgrades have been made to the Hadouken itself. 1. The Hadouken can hit an enemy during I-frames, since the game will often fire a single pellet shot before launching the Hadouken. 2. The Hadouken works on WolfSigma (the final boss). This was included in the PSP remake Maverick Hunter X. The room layout in the SNES version makes it significantly harder to pull off though. -=zerobuster.ips=- Created By: Justin3009, PowerPanda Zero will not give you the Zero Buster after the fight with Vile. The only way to obtain the Buster Upgrade is to find the capsule. -=wolfsigma.ips=- Created By: PowerPanda Special Thanks to: RainPoncho, DarkSamus993 This patch changes the damage output on WolfSigma (the final boss). In the original game, he could only be damaged by Buster Charge Lv3 (1 dmg) and Rolling Shield (2 dmg). Since it is now possible to do a no-upgrades run, WolfSigma now takes 1 dmg from Charge Shot Lv2, 2 dmg from Charge Shot Lv3, and 3 damage from Rolling Shield. This makes the boss slightly easier, and more in line with the difficulty of the rest of the game. -=stageedits.ips=- Created By: PowerPanda Using the "Mega ED X" software coded by Xeeynamo This is a more extensive patch that makes 4 major changes and 2 minor changes to the stage layout. The major changes affect how you obtain upgrades, while the minor changes simply streamline two levels. MAJOR CHANGES 1. Chill Penguin - The Leg Capsule is skippable. See the FAQ for an explanation of the slightly odd level layout. 2. Flame Mammoth - The Helmet Upgrade is no longer needed to access the X-buster upgrade. The ceiling has been shifted 2 blocks to the right and 1 block down to make it easier to access. 3. Flame Mammoth - The Helmet Upgrade is now required for breaking the blocks in front of the subtank. Previously, the player could use either the Helmet OR the Boots to obtain this. 4. Armored Armadillo - The Helmet Upgrade is required for obtaining the heart tank. MINOR CHANGES 1. Chill Penguin - One platform has been extended by 2 blocks so the spiked wheel enemies do not drop down on your head before you can see them. 2. Spark Mandrill - A ladder has been added in the first section so that you do not need to backtrack after obtaining the subtank. -=airdashwalljump.ips=- Created By: Justin3009 Edited for Compatibility By: PowerPanda These patches start X with his normal dash. The dash boots capsule, in turn, grant the air dash seen in Mega Man X2 and beyond. In addition, the player no longer needs to jump and dash at the same time to dash jump off of a wall. They can hold the dash button down and then press jump. Original Patch can be found here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---===What's New in Version 2.0?===--- * Ported changes from the hard-to-find SFC version to the commonly-found v1.1 headered SMC. * Separated the changes into individual patches, so that players could mix and match. * Incorporated Justin3009's Air Dash and Wall Jump patches. * Removed the stage edits from Sting Chameleon and Storm Eagle's stages, since players start with the dash powerup now. * Re-did the stage edtits for the arm capsule in Flame Mammoth's stage and the heart tank in Armored Armadillo's stage for aesthetic reasons. * Added the ability for the Hadouken to hit during I-frames. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---===FAQs===--- *Why does the new path in Chill Penguin's stage twist so much? OR *Why isn't there room for the dash animation after you get the Leg Parts? In Chill Penguin's stage, there are 2 trigger points that X must pass through to switch the camera from Omnidirectional to Side Scrolling. 6 blocks to the left of the Capsule is the trigger point that locks the camera into the 2 screens to the direct right and left of the capsule. 6 blocks to the right of the Capsule is the trigger that frees the camera to scroll side-to-side. The level needed to be constructed so that X would pass through both of these triggers on the normal path, and neither of them when accessing the capsule. There's a catch though. In Megaman X, you cannot place a single block. You MUST place a 2x2 grouping of blocks. I had just enough space to make the layout you see now, but not enough space for the dash animation. *Why make the changes to gaining the subtank in Flame Mammoth's stage and the heart tank in Armored Armadillo's stage? To make the helmet more useful. I felt I had to compensate for the helmet no longer being used to gain the Buster upgrade. *Why did you make the 2 small changes in Chill Penguin's and Spark Mandrill's stage? These were made purely by preference, having played the game so many times. *Why change the damage output for Wolf Sigma? Since the X-buster upgrade is no longer required, a low%, buster-only run would not have been possible. It was necessary to add in Charge Lv2. It only felt natural to bump up Charge L3 and Rolling Shield in response. Since Wolf Sigma is so much harder than anything that comes before him, I felt I could make these changes without affecting the balance. *Will this patch see any updates? None are planned. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Programs Used to Create the Patches LunarIPS Mega ED X HxD Hex Editor