About: This hack of Super Mario RPG makes the game more challenging and is meant for players who are experienced with the base game. Players are expected to block attacks on a regular basis and be prepared with plenty of items and equipment to take on bosses. Changes: Enemy stats have been boosted. Boss scripts have been slightly modified. Some boss spells and attacks have been modified. Most bosses have been recolored to give a Master Quest feel. Healing spells have been slightly rebalanced. (Most notably Toadstool's "Group Hug") Crystalline and Powerblast now cost 4 frog coins instead of 5. Credits: LAZYSHELL Lunar IPS Hack by Sephalos V1.01 Notes: Changed menu colors to blue instead of red for a Master Quest feel. Smithy's first form has been recolored as well. V1.02 Notes: Fixed Smithy's recoloring to work with all his sprites. Culex has been recolored as well.