Title: Summon this! Author: Lenophis Version: v1.0 Applies to: FF3us v1.0 Tested on: FF3us v1.0 Contents: Summon - header.ips Summon - no header.ips Anti Summon - header.ips Anti Summon - no header.ips readme.txt summon orig.txt summon new.txt summon.asm ROM addresses: C2/4E49 C2/52C6 - C2/52DB C2/53CB - C2/53DE C2/64B7 - C2/64E6 Urgency: Low, maybe medium. Summon was an incomplete command, so it's hard to say what was and wasn't going to be done with it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Summon was going to be used originally as a way to continuously summon espers in battle. For whatever reason, the command was left incomplete and unused. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this patch does: A couple of things. If a character doesn't have a magic command, MP will still be copied to the battle buffer, allowing you to use the espers. Summon in battle should also behave based on normal battle paramters (sufficient MP, being Imp'ed, silenced, etc). Added table entries for Summon's command, which will jump to pre-existing code to determine when it should and shouldn't be available. If need be, you can use the assembly file to easily determine where the code and data should go for v1.1 and the Japanese version. As an added bonus, (and with a guilty conscience), Terii Senshi's Summon Aiming fix was included. For those not in the know, it's a one-byte fix, at C2/4E49. Note: The anti patch effectively removes this patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updates: 1.0 - January 19, 2008 Initial release. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: Terii Senshi & assassin - For writing the C2 bank disassembly. Terii Senshi - The original author of the Summon Aiming fix, found here: http://www.rpglegion.com/ff6/hack/patches.htm