- FF5 Automatic Sprint, Learning, etc v1.1 - Help support the anti-ASCII art - By: Tzepish movement! tzepish at gmail dot com ***************************************************************************************************** 1.) Overview & Compatibility These patches are small convenience enhancements for the SNES version of Final Fantasy 5. They are compatible with multiple versions of Final Fantasy 5, as long as your ROM has NO HEADER: - Final Fantasy 5 Japanese - Final Fantasy 5 RPGe Translation - Final Fantasy 5 GBA Script Port - Final Fantasy 5 Spoof (note that many of these are already applied by default though). I wouldn't count on compatibility with more complicated hacks, such as Void Divergence, but you never know! This archive should contain the following files: - readme.txt The file you are currently viewing. - ff5_sprint_always_equipped.ips - ff5_sprint_reverse_button.ips - ff5_learning_always_equipped.ips - ff5_passages_always_equipped.ips - ff5_findpits_always_equipped.ips - ff5_map_always_available.ips These are the actual patch files (see below for more information). ***************************************************************************************************** 2.) Patch Info This section explains what each patch does! Every patch in this archive is optional - use only the patches that appeal to you! - ff5_sprint_always_equipped.ips: Use this patch to make the Sprint ability active at all times, allowing you to hold the B button to Sprint, even without equipping or learning the Sprint ability. Bytes changed: $C0/125E: BD 20 05 -> A9 08 EA - ff5_sprint_reverse_button.ips: This patch reverses the Sprint button check, meaning you Sprint by default and can hold the B button to walk. It works with or without the above patch (so if you wanted to reverse the button behavior but still require the user to equip Sprint, you can do that by using only this patch). Bytes changed: $C0/1253: F0 -> D0 - ff5_learning_always_equipped.ips: Use this patch to make the Learning ability active on all characters at all times, allowing you to learn blue magic whenever you encounter it, even without equipping or learning the Learning ability. Bytes changed: $C2/4C87: B9 20 20 -> A9 10 EA - ff5_passages_always_equipped.ips: Use this patch to make the Passages ability active at all times, allowing you to see hidden passages wherever you go, even without equipping or learning the Passages ability. Bytes changed: $C0/5AB5: BD 20 05 -> A9 01 EA - ff5_findpits_always_equipped.ips: Use this patch to make the Find Pits ability active at all times, meaning you'll always get a "jump back" second chance before falling through a pit tile, even without equipping or learning the Find Pits ability. Bytes changed: $C0/15B5: BD 20 05 -> A9 02 EA - ff5_map_always_available.ips: Use this patch to make the Y button no longer require the Map in the key item inventory before bringing up the map screen, meaning you can view the map even if you miss the item. Bytes changed: $C0/022F: F0 15 -> EA EA Note that these patches do not actually remove these passive abilities from the game. Your characters can still learn them, but they do nothing. If you are using this as part of a larger complete mod, then it's up to you to edit ability lists and text accordingly (unless you are okay with the player learning useless abilities). ***************************************************************************************************** 3.) Why did I make these? At first I was interested only in making Sprint and Learning automatic. Both of these abilities have a sort of catch-22 design - each is simultaneously an essential equip *and* a waste of an ability slot. Sprint does you no favors in battle, so you feel bad while you have it equipped, but moving slowly outside of battle is super annoying, so you also feel bad for *not* having it equipped. Learning has a similar problem - you want it equipped all the time "just in case", but most of the time it does absolutely nothing, making you feel like you are wasting an ability slot (this is why I never bothered with blue magic in this game. That is, until now). These patches remove these lose-lose situations by making the abilities always active, as if they were the default behavior of the game. After v1.0 of this mod was released, I got a lot of requests to add patches for Passages and Find Pits. Well, it took me detouring to work on other pojects and then returning with more ASM powers, but here they finally are! As for the Map, I made this for FF5Spoof because there was a joke about the map in dialogue, but I couldn't guarantee the player had actually picked it up. I figured I might as well make it available for everyone else, too, just in case anyone wanted it! ***************************************************************************************************** 4.) Thanks! I'm not the biggest ASM wizard out there. These lovely people figured this stuff out - I'm just the guy who moved some bytes around and made some ips patches! -- JLukas helped me with Always Sprint. -- Praetarius5018 helped me with Always Learning. -- STARWIN helped me with Always Map. -- Leet Sketcher's Bank C0 disassembly was indispensable in figuring out the Sprint button reversal and the Always Passages and Find Pits patches. -- Square originally made this wonderful game. ***************************************************************************************************** 5.) The Disclaimer! -- (C) 2017 - 2022 Tzepish (Blaine Higdon) -- This archive is not to be distributed with any other files (especially ROMs). It is not to contain any files other than those listed above. -- Tzepish is not responsible for any damages done to your computer, whether you use his patches or not.