(Editor's note: Original readme translated by TheEnd of Serenes Forest.) __________________________________________________________________________________________ Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War RM 2.97 __________________________________________________________________________________________ - This patch has been made by Habana♦887.bsRoNI. It introduces "altered Nihil and dual stage Pursuit patch," "Astra ring patch," "sleep patch" and "Luna activation change patch." spthx - Please apply this patch on an unmodified Japanese ROM with a header (4,194,816 bytes). MAIN CHANGES ------------ - Added weapons and items. - Divine weapons can be sold and bought. - Removed restrictions on inheritance of Sword Skills. - Removed restrictions on activation of Sword Skills. - Introduction of dual stage Pursuit. - Introduction of mount/dismount for all horseback and flying classes. - Introduction of Class Change selection. - Weapon weight is compensated by STR (STR/2). - Altered status screen. - Minor-blooded units can equip Divine Weapons (halved bonuses). SKILLS ------ EFFECT CHANGE - Big Shield/Pavise: damage - 20 (DEF+20). Minimum damage is 0, consumes weapon usage. - Prayer/Miracle: avoid up; damage from OHKO attacks is halved. - Awareness/Nihil: cancels Pursuit/Continue/Wrath/Prayer/Charge/Ambush/Sword Skills, but not criticals. - Pursuit: read the Pursuit section. - Continue/Adept: changed activation rate to AS%. - Critical: changed mechanics (read the Critical activation rate section). - Ambush/Vantage: always allows a preemptive strike, cancels opponent's Pursuit skill. If both fighters have this skill, the one with higher AS attacks first. - Meteor Sword/Astra: 75% damage, five consecutive hits. - Moonlight Sword/Luna: halves opponent's defense. - White sword skill: two attacks; first is Sol, second is Luna. - Black sword skill: +10 ATK when activated on attack, +10 DEF if activated on defense. PURSUIT - Dual stage Pursuit. Character with Pursuit skill: attacks again if AS difference is 3 or higher. Character without Pursuit skill: attacks again if AS difference is 6 or higher. * If the opponent has "Nihil" or "Ambush," Pursuit skill is cancelled. The rules for characters without the Pursuit skill apply. SPECIAL ATTACKS --------------- CRITICAL - Damage x3 TRIANGLE ATTACK (damage x3) - Allied units: Noish/Alec/Arden, Shanan/Roddlevan/Radney, Shanan/Skasaher/Lakche. - Enemy units: Vanpa/Fetora/Eriu (ch. 7-8), Meng/Bleg/Meibell. EFFECTIVENESS - Attack power +20. EFFECTIVE WEAPONRY - Knight type Rapier, Knight Killer, Halberd. - Armor type: Blagi Sword, Rapier. - Flying type: all bows, Wind Sword, Excalibur. - Barbarian type: Lady Sword. - Dark type: Blagi Sword. * There are items that can avert critical hits and effectiveness. ATTACKS THAT REDUCE HP TO 1 (Hel) - If hit when at 25 HP or less, instant death. CRITICAL ACTIVATION RATE ------------------------ 1. Character with Critical skill SKL + class critical rate + weapon critical rate (+ */10) + victory bonus - opponent's LUK 2. Character without Critical skill SKL/2 + class critical rate + weapon critical rate (+ */10) + victory bonus - opponent's LUK 3. Wrath/triangle attack 100% - opponent's LUK * Each 10 kills add 1 to a weapon's critical rate (maximum 10). * Victory bonus = +1 per 10 victories (maximum 20), shown in the status screen. EXPERIENCE VALUE ---------------- - When opponent is defeated [(Opponent's LV + class adjustment) - (own LV + class adjustment)]x2 + 30 + boss bonus - When opponent isn't defeated [(Opponent's LV + class adjustment) - (own LV + class adjustment)]x2 + 10 * Class adjustment Unpromoted class: 0 Promoted class: 5+ * Boss bonus Displayed in the status screen as the experience value. WEAPON WEIGHT STRENGTH OFFSETTING --------------------------------- - STR/2 is abated from weapon weight. SPD - [weapon weight - STR/2] = AS * If the value inside the bracket is below 0, it's calculated as 0 and AS = SPD. CLASS CHANGE SELECTION ---------------------- - In the "do you want to Class Change?" screen, press X, Y or R to change your choice. DIFFICULTY LEVEL SELECTION -------------------------- - You can change it in the config screen anytime. (The mook opponents' stats are modified, and the boss ones have their critical rates adjusted.) BUGS AND GLITCHES ----------------- - Beware when mounting or dismounting, there are cases when the character will stop moving after you do so. If that happens, load an old save from before the bug happened. You might be able to avoid the bug by doing things over again. (Please use regular saves, auto-save isn't recommended.) - Enemy changes weapon through an event and isn't updated. Load an old save and it'll be fixed. MISCELLANEOUS ------------- - Random numbers change upon reset. - Valkyrie cannot be used by minor blood characters. - Divine weapons other than Valkyrie cannot be inherited. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ -CHANGELOG- v2.97 - Implemented different base stats for male and female members of the same class. - Implemented difficulty selection. - Changed the weapon kill critical formula from (*-50)x2 to */10. v2.96d - Fixed glitch that caused some items to become others. * When rebuilding the effectiveness judgement program in v2.96, I found that the error cause was because I forgot to insert a jump command. That was also the cause of the Reserve bug. v2.96c - Fixed a few small mistakes. v2.96b - Fixed the Reserve freeze bug (hopefully). v2.96a - Fixed the arena victories not counting for the victory critical hit bonus. v2.96 - Inheritance of broken weapons disabled. - Added a program to take account of the number of victories in the critical hit calculation. - Changed the effectiveness judgement program. v2.95 - Changed the Big Shield program. - Corrected the hair color program. - Adjusted the general balance. - Reduced weapon prices. - Doubled the gold reward of chapter 5's arena and tripled epilogue's. v2.90 - Changed the battle skills' mechanics. - Changed the battle experience formulae. - Added other adjustments. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 542 ♦ruo0tlxqPQ