============================================================ FF2/4 Medicine Power-up Patch by Phoenix Hacks 3/22/2008 ============================================================ This zip file includes two IPS patches. The one titled "Medicine Power-up.ips" is for FF4j, and increases the HP recovery by Edward's Medicine command. The second file, titled "Medicine Power-up + Commands.ips", also increases the HP recovery by Edward's Medicine, but is intended for the FF2us ROM version 1.0. Since this (and other) commands were dummied out of this version, this patch restores those commands and their battle messages, too. I used the FF4A command names. The data changed to increase the HP recovery amount is only one byte. Difficult to find, but an easy fix once you know where to look. If you'd like to tweak the command to your own liking, the offset locations in the ROM are: FF2us 1.0 FF2us 1.1 FF4j Data Use --------- --------- ---- ---- --- 1E4D3 1E4E8 1E4EB CE This is the item the command checks against and uses 1 of 1E51D 1E532 1E535 CE This is the item effect to use (changed to CF: Cure2/ Hi-Potion in my patch) 1E528 1E53D 1E540 CE This is the item visual effect to use If you don't know the hex values for items, you can download the Pro Action Replay codes available for the game on GameFAQs, which has this information.