SirRob FF2 US Retranslation Item, Monster, Spell, Skill etc. Updated 8/5/08 CURRENT CHANGES: 1. Starting Stats edited: - Cecil (Dark Knight): * Starting HP is now 150 instead of 200. * Stats were lowered by a few points. - Cecil (Paladin): * Starting HP is now 550 * Starting MP is now 25. * Stats adjusted a bit. - Kain * Starting HP is now 135 instead of 190. * Increased STR slightly. - Rydia (Young) * STR increased very slightly. - Tellah * Starting HP is now 450 * Starting MP is now 98 (Meteo requires 99 so it should be fine) * Increased all stats a little. - FuSoYa * Starting Level is 65. * Starting HP is 2400. * Starting MP is 250. * All stats slightly increased. - Golbez * Starting Level is 75. * Starting HP is 3243. * Starting MP is 230. * All stats increased by 5. 2. Weapon & Armor Changes * All Shadow equipment is now called "Night". * All Dark equipment is now called "Evil". * All Black equipment is now called "Devil". * All Samurai equipment has been changed to "Genji". * All White equipment has been changed to "Holy". * All Silver equipment has been changed to "Mythril". * All Iron equipment has been changed to "Steel". * All Lit references have been changed to "Bolt" * The CatClaw is now "Cat Claw" * The "Charm" claw is now a different weapon: The "Mute Claw" * The IceClaw is now the "Ice Claw" * The PoisnClaw is now the "Bio Claw" * The Rod is now the "Wooden Rod" * The FireRod is now "Fire Rod" * The IceRod is now "Ice Rod" * Excalibr is now "Illumina" * Crystal Sword is now "Ragnarok" * All Paladin equipment has been renamed to "Knight" * The Fire sword is now "FireSwd" * The IceBrand is now "CldSteel" (Cold Steel) * The Defense sword is now the "Defender" * The Drain sword is now "Blood" * The Wind spear is now "Cyclone" * The Mute staff is now "Silence" * Flame spear is now "Magma" * Ice spear is now "Frost" * Dragoon spear is now "Dragon" * Drain spear is now "Blood" * The ninja sword Short is now "Kunai" * The ninja sword Mid is now "Kodachi" * The Ninja sword Long is now "Nodachi" * The ninja sword Ninja is now "Katana" * HandAxe is now "TomaHawk" * Dwarf axe is now "Gimli" (LOTR reference lol) * Dancing knife is now "Dirk" * All Crystal equipment has been changed to "Paladin" * All instances of Gaea changed to "Gaia" * Karate armor is now "Kenpogi" * Bl.Blt armor is now "BlackBlt" 3. Spell & Skill Changes White Magic * Sight is "Scan" * Hold is "Prlyz" * Cure1 is "Cure" * Cure2 is "Cura" * White is "Holy" * Wall is "Rflct" * Heal is "Esuna" * Life1 is "Life" Black Magic * Fire1 is "Fire" * Fire2 is "Fira" * Ice-1 is "Ice" * Lit-1 is "Bolt" * Lit-2 is "Bolt2" * Lit-3 is "Bolt3" * Venom is "Bio" * Fatal is "Death" * Psych is "Osmos" Summons * Chocb is "Choco" Ninjutsu * Flood is "Hydro" Other Skills * Peep is "Scan" 4. Monster Changes * D.Mist is now "MistDrag" * SwordRat is now "SpikeRat" * EvilShel is now "MadShell" * WaterHag is now "WaterMan" * Raven is now "Zuu" 5. Items * Cure1 is "Potion" * Cure2 is "Hi-Potion" * Cure3 is "X-Potion" * Life is "PhnxDwn" * Ether1 is "Ether" * Ether2 is "Hi-Ether" * Heal is "Remedy" NUMEROUS OTHER CHANGES THAT I FORGOT TO DOCUMENT! There are probably several other changes that I forgot to mention. Ah well.