Final Fantasy III US/VI SrBehemoth Fix Created by Dragonsbrethren Version 1.1 - August 22nd, 2008 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents ********************************** 1. Description 2. Patching 3. Technical 4. Credits 5. Contact -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Description ********************************** A quote from Master ZED's Final Fantasy 3us/6j Glitches & Bugs guide describing the problem this fix corrects: "SrBehemoth rips you off - Both the living SrBehemoth and the undead SrBehemoth give up Behemothsuits as win items. While that sounds good, most veterans will recall that the prize for the duel SrBehemoths battle in the Cave in the Veldt is actually one BehemothSuit and one ThunderBlade, or in very rare cases, perhaps a Jewel Ring instead of the blade. The monster stats guide and the ROM itself both claim the former about both monsters giving up BehemothSuits, so now the question is why so many people claim the latter is true. That, unfortunately, is because it is true, due to a bug that occurs as a result of the formation switch that brings in the undead SrBehemoth. The two monsters are not only in seperate formations, but also in seperate slots; the living monster in slot 1, undead in slot 2. What was supposed to happen was that by not having the monsters in the same spot, the win data from the living SrBehemoth would be carried over to the new formation containing the undead version, resulting in your getting 2 BehemothSuits. What happens instead is that when the battle ends and the game goes to check for win items, it reads the first formation slot for the monster number needed to retrive win item data, and gets FFFFh, the number that says there's no monster in the slot. Since the game did save the data that says you defeated the monster in the first slot, it will try to retrive the win data anyway, and ends up going to offset 1031FE, where the common win item is listed as a ThunderBlade and the rare item a Jewel Ring in FF3us. Keep in mind that in FF6j and the PS versions, these are not the same." This fix simply adds a non-present living SrBehemoth to the first slot of the undead SrBehemoth formation. When the game determines what item to give you for the first slot it will read its data and give you the correct item (The second BehemothSuit) instead of the incorrect items you normally get. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Patching ********************************** This fix applies to the following versions of the game: Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.0) Final Fantasy III (U) (V1.1) Final Fantasy VI (J) It will also work with RPGOne's Final Fantasy VI retranslation. Two IPS patches are included, one for headered ROMs, one for unheadered. Use the patch that corresponds to your ROM. If you do not know if your ROM has a header or not you can use NSRT to find out: Windows: Linux: Mac: WARNING Version 1.1 of this patch is *not* compatible with hacks unlike version 1.0 due to a minor change in the undead SrBehemoth's AI. Please follow the walkthrough in the technical section if you want to apply this fix to a hack. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Technical ********************************** This fix is very simple, all it does is add the living SrBehemoth to the undead formation so that the right item data is read, and changes a single byte of the undead SrBehemoth's attack script so its death animation is displayed correctly. This script change means that the patch will most likely be incompatible with any hacks that modify the attack scripts--for this reason a very beginner- friendly walkthrough has been added to this section to walk someone through recreating this fix using nothing but Lord J's FF3us Multi Editor. First download the most up-to-date version of FF3usME: Now make a copy of your ROM, on the odd chance something goes wrong. Open your ROM and click the "Form" button in the toolbar. Enter 423 in the index box and click the right arrow, you should see the undead SrBehemoth formation. Now you need to add the living SrBehemoth to the first slot, use the pulldown menu to find it. This is no way of viewing the monster number here, nor any easy way to go to a specific monster, but if it helps the living SrBehemoth falls between Nerapa and a Kefka. When you add it check the presence box to make sure you got the right monster, then uncheck it again. Do not worry about the X and Y position, these will never be used, just click OK and save your changes. The last thing you need to do is fix the death animation. For this click the "Spitfire" button in the toolbar, this is the monster editor. Enter 126 in the box next to the monster name and click the up arrow, you should now see the stats for the undead SrBehemoth. Click the "Attack Script" tab, FF3usME will ask if it can fix a bug in the Mag Roader script, click Yes. SrBehemoth's script will be displayed, you only need to change one thing, scroll to the bottom and find this line: Monsters #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 are killed, diagonal Highlight that line and click the "Edit" button under the hex script display. A window will now open with four hex values: F5 0B 01 FF Change "FF" to "02" and click OK. The line should have changed: Monsters #2 are killed, diagonal As the script was before the non-present living SrBehemoth would have stopped the death animation from working correctly because it was technically still alive even though there is no indication of it being there in-battle. This simple tweak to a single byte is all that is needed to correct the issue. Click OK at the bottom of the script editor to close it, then save your changes. Load up the ROM and test the battle to make sure it worked correctly. If you have any problems follow this walkthrough again, being sure to follow every step. If it still doesn't work feel free to contact me about it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Credits ********************************** Deathlike2: Asked if a patch was available to fix this issue, which lead me to look into it. Master ZED: Described the problem in such a way that the way to fix it was very clear to me. Lord J: For FF3usME, of course. The beginner walkthrough would have been much harder without it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Contact ********************************** Should you find any issue with this hack feel free to contact me about it: Email: Forums: IRC: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©2008 Dragonsbrethren Industries