~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ======================================== Secret of Mana Remove Barrels on Run 1.2 by Kethinov May 2019 ======================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This hack changes the behavior of barrels in three ways to make them more useful: 1. Barreling an ally and then fighting with a different character will no longer remove the ally's barrel. 2. Accordingly, barrels are now removed by running instead of attacking. 3. Barrels are now removed one at a time instead of all at once. You must switch to the character whose barrel you want to remove in order to remove it. Barrels can also be removed by Magical Herbs if you have the Magical Herb hack applied as well: https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4426/. Removing barrels when running instead of attacking is useful because makes it possible to protect a weak character more easily while fighting with a strong character. See video of this strategy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OIqPYJ1WK8 Removing barrels one at a time is useful because now players can individually barrel themselves and remove the barrels when they like rather than having to decide as a group whether to keep the barrels on or off for all players. Note: This hack bundles the "Fix Barrel Frame Glitches" changes as well. Special thanks to Queue for providing significant refactoring to the original code. Changelog: - 1.2: Fixes bug breaking some monsters' AI, such as Goblin and Iffish. - 1.1: Significant code refactor. - 1.0: Initial version.