Choujikuu Yousai Macross - Scrambled Valkyrie (Japan).sfc IPS MD5: EF01A4D9DEAC670D3A1CD93ECED4C31E ROM MD5 before: E11C1D923EA1B2F6A00E5886AA6B6202 ROM MD5 after: D39B3B6F170472C7618CFAFE93D50413 Mod includes: - Unlocking stage select - Adding a controller input to change the morph form bidirectionally - Setting default controls for changing to L and R - Reversing the order of animation frames when changing backwards - Adding a "CASUAL" game rank -- Doubles health and recovery items to match -- Takes 2 enemy hits to decrease a weapon level v1.1: "Easy" difficulty is removed/replaced by "Casual". In v1.0, "Easy" behaved like the "Normal" difficulty, and "Normal" was "Hard". Huge thanks to blizzz for finding this bug and correcting it.